Unbelievable!! The Abruzzo secrete private gig in Città Sant'Angelo was officially cancelled because of "technical difficulties". No more explanation! Just like the Zurich show!! Reportedly, the promoters, who allegedly booked the band for this special event, had to fly to Israel (joining the Rumanian scammers) to avoid the fury of the people who were prepared to see the band play like at the Stadio Comunale!!
However, it's our duty to report that this secret-private gig might just be the result of a collective hallucination due to the stress caused by AC/DC's repetitive setlist to diehard fans...
Anyway, AC/DC Abruzzo decided to seek help and comfort by visiting our spiritual rock'n'roll guide: Rocco 'n' Rollo, the quintessential Abruzzo rocker, who was headlining a rock festival in Silvi Paese the same night (CABAROCK Festival-May 31 and June 1). Unfortunately, his show was also cancelled because of the heavy rains that ravaged the Abruzzo coast that night! It's true: sometimes when it rains, it pours.
But we kept our positive attitude and then decided to go for a wild "RUSTELLATA" (an overdose of ARROSTICINI, the most famous Abruzzo's specialty) to ease the pain and forget this negative chain of events. We had nightmares the whole night (arrosticini are pretty heavy and not easy to digest, just like Malcolm's decision not to change the setlist).
The really positive thing about the night was that we managed to meet the mysterious "backdoor man" who was allegedly the one responsible for the disappearance of Lorenzo aka Orangus. He proved his innocence and showed his genuine and sincere passion for rock'n'roll. We like him. After tough negiotiations we managed to ink a deal with him: he will be our exclusive correspondent for 3 shows (Barcelona, Marseille and Paris). As for Orangus, if you read this please get in touch! We are seriously worried!
Last but not least AC/DC Abruzzo wants to thank Stonebreaker for the beautiful pics he sent us from the German shows. We knew Stonebreaker from Hammersmith 2003. The amazing photos that have been circulating in the internet in the last few years from that memorable night were taken by him. AC/DC Abruzzo salutes you!
Arpurtetem a uilches barres...
More pics here:
For Hockenheim:
For Gelsenkirchen: