Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dessel, Belgium 6 July 2015

Bedlam in Belgium

Dessel, Belgium 6 July 2015

1. Rock or Bust
2. Shoot to Thrill
3. Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
4. Back in Black
5. Play Ball
6. Dirty Deeds
7. Thunderstruck
8. High Voltage
9. Rock 'n ' Roll Train
10. Hells Bells
11. Baptism By Fire
12. Sin City
13. Shook Me
14. Shot Down in Flames
15. Have a Drink on Me
16. TNT
17. Rosie
18. Let There Be rock
19. Highway to Hell
20. For Those About to Rock

Our rock'n'roll trip to Dessel starts at 8.55 with the Eurostar "Rock'n'Roll" train London-Brussels, in company of legendary Orangus, with 20 AC/DC in a row under his belt in this tour...

We end up going to the Brussels airport to rent a car (no car available from the train station). We hit the road towards Dessel. Short stop at our hotel and then back in the moshpit ready for another show and with London Wembley still in our head (and in our legs)...

The venue is a big plain just in the middle of the woods, with a lot of dust and happy beer drinkers. Actually this is one of the venues with the highest number of people drinking (and pissing) everywhere.... Typical "rock festival environment", with lots of tipsy to wasted people...

The show begins at 9.45pm. Angus wears his brown suit (with blue hat, not full brown like in Munich!). He looks a bit tired, if compared to Wembley. (And so are we, after 2 hours of Wembley moshpit...). He duckwalks less than usual but he is focused and energetic.

Brian is on fire again (just check out our videos.) He jumps and screams like crazy. His voice is actually getting better show by show. High Voltage again, is one of the best songs of the setlist. This time is longer than the usual one... The band fucks up after Baptism by Fire, when Stevie starts You Shook Me (following the usual setlist) but Angus goes in the Sin City riff. The band follows Angus, of course. YSMANL will be played afterwards.

About 50,000 people were there but the moshpit was not like in London and we could see fights breaking out constantly among drunk people and sober people. Fights between drunk people would generally end up in people becoming friends and hugging. Fights between drunk people and sober could end up badly. Maybe this was the situation only in the first rows...  Lots of crowdsurfers as well...

And next will be IMOLA for the biggest AC/DC concert in Italy ever (90,000 people)!!! The big news is that the Imola mayor has just passed a special bill forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages 500 m of radius from the venue... Have a drink on me?