The new AC/DC video for Play Ball has been out for a few days and we are still trying to understand this "original and artistic" use of the green screens by Dave Mallet... Some websites and blogs were not that kind and talked about "the worst use of green screen in a music video ever". Well, the video is not the best video of AC/DC but we wouldn't go that far. Anyways, the boys are in great shape and this is what really counts. What we really liked of the video were Brian Johnson with all his classic moves, and Angus, especially when he throws away the cap before the duckwalking. We just loved it.
We are sure the second video will be completely different thanks to the presence of the fans.
Talking about the AC/DC fans, after AC/DC Abruzzo's post on the craziest fans who came to London for the video shoot Sony published a short "Making of" for the video Rock or Bust. We can see some familiar faces in it...
We wonder who was that crazy guy who came all the way from Dubai... :)
The infamous London green screens |
Meet and Greet with Angus |