Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rock'n'Roll Limbo

The Black Ice tour is over. The Black Ice Tour Photo Book reached most of the hard-core AC/DC fans around the world. The "Mistresses for Christmass" are gone... And we are all waiting for some official announcement from the band about the next album/dvd... Is this the beginning of another post-Hammersmith 2003 limbo?

Hopefully not.

The annual meeting of the AC/DC Abruzzo Steering Committee (The Rustelle Elettriche Night 3) with the participation of the Vice President and a Delegation of AC/DC Italia took place in Città Sant'Angelo a few days ago. On the agenda: the celebration of the 3rd year of AC/DC Abruzzo and the discussion on the future of the AC/DC Abruzzo blog.

Stay tuned.