Tuesday, March 17, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo Czech's fan

With Phil (Don Peppino)

Wth local old school rockers

Lu magnà!

AC/DC Abruzzo wishes to thank Don Peppino, our man in Prague and old friend of ours, who took us to some nice places yesterday night. We will take him to the concert tonight to return the favour! ROCK ON!

Monday, March 16, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo has just arrived in Prague! Time for a beer...


"Scine però acclamete, sennò che cazz' ce venet affà?!?"

Sappiamo già che il grande Rocco'n'Rollo, la chitarra granitica del Gran Sasso, ha suonato nel corso della sua trentennale carriera anche con gli Assiddissì (losangelino per AC/DC -vedi post precedente). Non sapevamo però che avesse influenzato anche il corso della storia del rock'n'roll incontrando un giovanissimo Bob Dylan (al secolo Roberto Dilana) quando ancora viveva nelle campagne abruzzesi. Ecco il suo racconto:

AC/DC Abruzzo, ha poi appreso, grazie a alcune indiscrezioni trapelate nella rosticceria di Franc Lu Zizzon', noto ritrovo di rocckettari abruzzesi, che Rocco ha ispirato indirettamente la composizione di Thunderstruck degli AC/DC. 

Questo incredibile scoop di AC/DC Abruzzo è corroborato da testimoni oculari. Secondo i loro racconti, nel 1989 Brian Johnson si trovava in Abruzzo alla sagra della "pecora alla callara" (a Rocca Pia, nell'Aquilano). In quell'occasione pare che Brian abbia incontrato Rocco 'n' Rollo completamente ubriaco, con alcune groupie locali, nel bar della piazza dopo aver suonato come headliner alla sagra del paese. Durante l'incontro si narra che Brian riconobbe immediatamente il Rocker di Cucullo e salutandolo gli chiese come stesse. Rocco gli rispose in losangelino stretto:

A Braiàan, sting tande stracc! Mi so sdraiate du amplificator massèr (Brian, sono molto stanco! Questa sera ho bruciato due amplificatori)

Secondo i racconti Brian fu folgorato dalla musicalità delle parole "TANDE STRACC" (molto stanco) e menzionò queste parole durante una conversazione con i fratelli Young. Le due parole furono magistralmente trasposte nell'inglese "Thunderstruck" e così nacque una delle migliori canzoni degli AC/DC. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo's President and Vice-President met yesterday in the Abruzzo's general headquarters in order to set out the strategy for the the next shows. On top of the agenda were the two Milan concerts and the partnership with AC/DC Italia, whose importance was defined as crucial. The works continued during the "business dinner". The main dish was supposed to be "arrosticini" (one of the most delicious Abruzzo specialties) accompanied by excellent Montepulciano d'Abruzzo red wine. However, there was a last minute change in the menu and we opted for an exquisite home-made pizza with beer (thanks to Alessandra).

The meeting was very fruitful. All the details cannot be revealed at the present time, however, these will be the next shows that will be attended by AC/DC Abruzzo:

17 Mar Prague CZ O2 Arena
19 Mar Milan IT Datch Forum
21 Mar Milan IT Datch Forum
23 Mar Budapest HU Papp László Sportarena



Among all the shows attended so far AC/DC Abruzzo has chosen "Let There Be Rock" from Paris Bercy Feb. 27, 2009 as the best song performed by AC/DC during the European tour.  The levels of energy were just unbeliavable during this song... Here's some videos...(You can also see our flag while we were doing "Bonfire"!)


Saturday, March 14, 2009


If this is hell. Then you could say. It's heavenly. 
Hell ain't a bad place to be

Smoke, fire, horns, rock'n'roll, flames, Angus Young and crowdsurfers... What else do we need?
We're sure you can feel the rock'n'roll too watching this video...

Friday, March 13, 2009


Unfortunately AC/DC Abruzzo will not be present in Rotterdam for tonight's show. We made the decision to take a break before our second leg of the European Tour (indoor). We will be back in action in Prague as a warm up for Milan which will probably be one of the highlights of the tour! However, we have several correspondants tonight from the front that will let us know if there are any surprises in Holland.

Looking back at the glorious past three weeks on the road with AC/DC we still find ourselves thinking nostalgically about Paris. The bruises have almost totally gone but we still keep wonderful memories of those two legendary rock'n'roll nights. As Brias said once, Paris is really "heaven on earth for rock'n'roll"! We look forward to the Stade De France show!

Here's a few random pictures of AC/DC Abruzzo's adventures in Paris... We met new and old friends, ate excellent food, drank good wine and had a real good time! More exclusive pictures by AC/DC Abruzzo of the two shows can be found on acdc-italia.com here. A rare/exclusive ultra-shaky rock'n'roll video of Highway to Hell from the pit during the second show at Bercy will be released very soon on our YOU TUBEchannel.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Same setlist in BREMEN

No changes. The solid setlist remains the same in Bremen too. Thanks to our Italian correspondant from Germany!
We salute you from Abruzzo!