Thursday, April 16, 2009


O2 Arena, London April 14, 2009 

1. Rock'n'roll Train
2. Hell ain't a bad place to be
3. Back in Black
4. Big Jack
5. Dirty Deeds
6. Shot Down in Flames
7. Thunderstruck
8. Black Ice
9. The Jack
10. Hell's Bells
11. Shoot to Thrill
12. War Machine
13. Anything Goes
14. You Shook Me All Night Long
15. TNT
16. Whole Lotta Rosie
17. Let there be Rock
18. Highway to Hell
19. For Those About to Rock


London! This is the place where AC/DC Abruzzo's President and Secretary General had their first AC/DC epiphany. It was 20th October 2003, the day we heard Gone Shootin' live for the first time. We were in the Hammersmith Theatre attending the AC/DC soundcheck. A second epiphany took place the day after, during If You Want Blood (You've Got It). We will never forget that song and the way it was performed in that legendary theatre. Since that day our AC/DC madness began!

This time it was the turn of the O2 Arena. We were positively impressed by this venue. Despite it is very big it still has a certain amount of intimacy which is good for rock shows, especially in the front of stage section and the first level of seats. The highest level, on the contrary, it looks like the San Siro Stadium in Milan. Acoustics seem pretty good though.

We had reserved seats on Malcolm's side. Excellent seats, but you already know what we think about reserved seats at an AC/DC show. They just go against the entire idea of rock’n’roll! Actually, a suitable metaphor came out today during a discussion with some other fans (Vince and Owen) who share our view. Being forced to stay seated in your seat during an AC/DC concert or it's like being forced to have sex in a position that you hate without having the permission to come... A real nightmare…

But this time we had to cope with the situation and took it with philosophy. We felt like watching a live DVD or videobootleg with 20,000 people and a very good PA system… So we took advantage of our position to contemplate this wonderful rock’n'roll show from a different angle. Also, we had the opportunity to admire Malcolm from a closer position…

We skipped again The Answer. Not our type of rock'n'roll, that's official. We arrived at 8.20. Ten minutes before the start and half of the seats were still empty. During the intro video we still have goose bumps, especially when the R'n’R train comes out of the tunnel.

We were a bit disappointed with the reaction of the London crowd. Just some quite jumping in the front rows during R'n'R Train. And most people standing still in most of the GA section… Things got a bit better later during the last part of the show (WLR and LTBR) but the English definitely cannot be ranked among the best crowds of this tour.

Angus was in amazing shape. Hey, even physically it looked like he had been working out recently!! We spent several songs observing him in all his moves! What a rocker!! By the way he wore a new black and white tie never seen before (sold with the official merchandise too). Brian looked a bit slow during the first 3-4 songs. Then he got back in action, full throttle. His voice is not as melodic as at the beginning of the tour, but hey, try to sing the way he sings 4 nights a week for 2 hours!!!

Malcolm in action is just pure Rock’n’roll bliss. We love his back ground vocals, especially in Thunderstruck and Dirty Deeds. He moves back and forth with the accuracy of a Swiss clockwork. We really would kill to hear If you Want Blood's riff from Malcolm’s guitar before the end of this tour… Cliff and Phil, impeccable as usual.

Best songs of the show: Dirty Deeds, Shoot To Thrill, Let There be Rock and Highway to Hell (video coming soon).
Interestengly, at the entrance they asked us not to show our flag… It must be some sort of O2 strange policy (remember Prague?). Tomorrow, however, we’ll be back in our spot in the standing section and the AC/DC Abruzzo flag will fly high again!!!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Here's a little "antipasto" for you... An exclusive video of THUNDERSTRUCK live in London April 14 2009 (Angus cam!) from our YOUTUBE Channel. Angus at his best!!!
See you in Camden Town!!!


AC/DC are finally back in London for a full concert after almost 6 years from the legendary Hammersmith gig! AC/DC Abruzzo was at O2 arena for this historic comeback!!!! Full report with pics and videos soon!!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Tonight a meeting of the AC/DC Abruzzo Stirring Committee took place in the London Headquarters in order to set out the agenda for the next week on tour starting from tomorrow at the o2 arena. There are lots of surprises for our fans and supporters on the way!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009




1. Rock'n'roll Train
2. Hell ain't a bad place to be
3. Back in Black
4. Big Jack
5. Dirty Deeds
6. Shot Down in Flames
7. Thunderstruck
8. Black Ice
9. The Jack
10. Hell's Bells
11. Shoot to Thrill
12. War Machine
13. Anything Goes
14. You Shook Me All Night Long
15. TNT
16. Whole Lotta Rosie
17. Let there be Rock
18. Highway to Hell

19. For Those About to Rock

Today's show was unusually scheduled for 10pm, not because of “technical problems” or delay. It was just the official kick-off time. We made the healthy decision to skip the “Answer” by  proudly flying our flag outside the venue more than usual for the pleasure of the Basque, who seemed to appreciate it a lot. Many asked to take a photo with us amazed by our dedication which took us from Italy to Bilbao “only” for the concert.

Brian was in excellent shape. He sang several songs with a red bandana, which was thrown by someone in the audience, on his shoulders.

Angus was fantastic tonight. Black uniform. You could see he really enjoys having all those fans having such a great time. When the lights went down at the end of Dirty Deeds he kicked his cap, which he had lost during the solo, in such a professional but natural way that I felt the black sensations of rock’n’roll down my spine again. It's the first time we see him doing it. We have become particularly fond of these little details…

Malcom and Cliff were impeccable as usual and Phil was beating the drums with his “prehensile” left arm like nobody else can do.

NOVITA'!! During Whole Lotta Rosie another Rosie appeared on stage. Very similar to the Donington’s one, lying between Phil and the Rock'n'Roll Train. Instead of licking her tits the way she did in a couple of shows before Bilbao tonight she was touching herself somewhere else with her left hand, full of shiny baroque rings. Although the air pressure used might be the real cause of these funny moves we still like to believe that Rosie gets particularly horny in certain occasions. And in Bilbao it was the horniest Rosie of the entire tour! WLR was the song of the night. The crowd went totally crazy! (soon we’ll post a video!)

The BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre) is a huge complex, designed for conferences more than rock shows. I was sitting to the right, Cliff's side.... in the same area where we were supposed to sit in Stockholm, before making our way to the standing section.

The Basque smoked a lot. The security staff was not strict at all, like in Madrid. The standing area was really crowded, maybe too much. The people there seemed to enjoy more jumping vertically than doing some “pogo pushing” like in Italy or France. No crowd surfing at all. There were several flags. Unfortunately, due to forces beyond our control, our flag could not fly in the same spot as usual and was showed from the seats where we were.

We met other fans who become our companions on this long journey such Alano, Remyno, Indylo and others…

We also met two lads from a Spanish magazine called "this is rock". They recognised us thanks to our dirty-stinky rock'n'roll flag. The expressed their admiration for what we are doing and at the end of the concert they asked for AC/DC Abruzzo's official opinion on the show. It looks like we have become probably the most authoritative source of comparative opinions on this European tour, considering the number of shows we have attended so far (15).  


Bilbao is a small city.. But there’s a river that flows into the ocean.

I got there from Madrid after 5 hours on an rather uncomfortable bus. While I was on a taxi to the hotel I saw a few people in a sort of Ku Klux Klan uniform. Pretty creepy. The taxi driver, a huge Pink Floyd fan told me (in Spanish) that they were there for the Easter festivity. Freeek't

The Basque people really don’t like speaking English. I had some pretty serious communication problems during the day. Well, at least until I made the wise decision to use our Abruzzese dialect. But they are all very kind and they often underline the fact that they are not Spanish.

The Guggenheim Museum looks amazing from outside. It has something which reminds me of Futurism. I can’t tell you much about what’s inside because due to the tight schedule I only had time to take a piss in their comfortable (and futuristic) bathrooms.

And now off to London.


Friday, April 10, 2009


"We are still alive" said an old lady to a TV reporter yesterday. This is a sentence full of hope and determination, typical characteristics of the Abruzzo People, although it's the only certainty that many have at the moment.
After a few days of reflection we finally made the decision that AC/DC Abruzzo has to continue with its arena tour in Europe following AC/DC. We want to thank again all our friends from all over the world who sent us messages of support and solidarity asking us to keep going.
Touring Europe with AC/DC was a dream we have cultivated since Hammersmith 2003. When the European dates were announced we made the commitment to take our flag from Oslo to Birmingham. It has been a rewarding but difficult journey so far. We are determined to continue to pursue our dream.
AC/DC Abruzzo will RIDE ON!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The aftermath of the earthquake in Abruzzo is devastating: 289 dead (22 children) and about 40.000 evacuees. Most of the people in the area of l'Aquila have lost everything. For those who wish to help here are the information on how to send money from abroad. Thank you.
AC/DC Abruzzo

"Un aiuto subito" - “Un aiuto subito”, an appeal on behalf of communities affected by the Abruzzo earthquake, was launched within hours of the disaster by the Corriere della Sera,, the Gazzetta dello Sport, and City. WHAT TO DO – Anyone wishing to make a donation to help victims in the earthquake zone can do so by bank transfer or by credit card. BANK TRANSFER: Intesa-San Paolo, ABI 3069, CAB 05061, account number 1000/144, account name: “Un aiuto subito – Terremoto dell’Abruzzo”. IBAN: IT 03 B 03069 05061 100000000144 CREDIT CARD DONATIONS (CartaSi, MasterCard, Visa, American Express) CartaSi Freephone: 800 317800 (from some mobiles, dial 12 followed by the number) Calls from abroad: +39 02 34980235. Have your credit card ready and follow the recorded instructions.

Monday, April 6, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo ha appreso questa mattina la terribile notizia del forte terremoto che ha avuto il suo epicentro nei pressi del L'Aquila e che ha devastato gran parte di questa zona. A parte una gran paura nessuno dei familiari e degli amici dello staff è rimasto coinvolto in maniera grave nelle conseguenze nefaste del sisma. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che ci hanno contattati per chiedere notizie ed esprimere la propria solidarietà. Purtroppo molti dei nostri corregionali non hanno avuto la nostra stessa fortuna. Per questo pubblichiamo ora una serie di informazioni utili per poter aiutare le popolazioni colpite da questo terribile disastro.

AC/DC Abruzzo was devastated to learn this morning that our beloved region was hit by a powerful earthquake (magnitude 6.3). Many were injured and killed. Thousands lost their house.

AC/DC Abruzzo wishes to express our condolences to the families of the victims and invite everybody to give help and support. We will soon provide all the details on how to help.

Conti correnti
La Caritas diocesana di Roma ha istituito un fondo di solidarietà promuovendo una colletta per aiutare la popolazione abruzzese. La Caritas di Roma informa che, in queste ore, la donazione economica è l'unico modo utile per esprimere solidarietà alle persone colpite.
È possibile contribuire alla colletta di solidarietà con: Versamenti c/c postale - numero di conto corrente postale 82881004 (IBAN: IT77K0760103200000082881004) intestato a Caritas diocesana di Roma, specificando nella causale «Terremoto Abruzzo»; Bonifico bancario - IBAN: IT13R0306905032000009188568, specificando nella causale "Terremoto Abruzzo".

Anche la Caritas Ambrosiana, che fa capo alla Diocesi di Milano, ha avviato una raccolta fondi aprendo un conto corrente. E' possibile sin d'ora esprimere concreta solidarietà partecipando alla "raccolta fondi - causale Terremoto Abruzzo 2009 - donazione diretta presso l'Ufficio raccolta fondi di Caritas Ambrosiana, via San Bernardino 4, Milano (orari: dal lunedì al giovedì dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 12.30 e dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 17.30 e il venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 12.30)- conto corrente postale n. 13576228 intestato a caritas ambrosiana onlus - conto corrente bancario n. 578 - cin p, abi 03512, cab 01602 presso l'agenzia 1 di milano del credito artigiano e intestato a caritas ambrosiana onlus iban: it16p0351201602000000000578. Oppure donazione telefonica tramite carte di credito chiamando il numero in orari di ufficio.

Si possono fare donazioni anche alla Croce Rossa attraverso il sito internet specificando la causale del versamento.

Da tutto il Lazio circa 40 squadre con più 200 volontari hanno raggiunto le zone di ammassamento in Abruzzo e sono a disposizione della Protezione civile nazionale per le operazioni di soccorso. Altrettante sono state allertate e sono pronte a operare. La Protezione civile regionale ha messo a disposizione dei soccorsi tre elicotteri regionali normalmente utilizzati per la lotta agli incendi, mentre i volontari della Protezione civile del Lazio hanno già portato in Abruzzo centinaia di tende per ospitare persone, 3 cucine da campo, mezzi per il movimento terra come ruspe, bobcat ed escavatori, oltre a torri faro per garantire con le fotoelettriche i soccorsi anche dopo il tramonto. Intervenute anche squadre di volontari con unità cinofile. La Protezione civile ribadisce l'appello a non improvvisarsi soccorritori: "Le operazioni di soccorso vanno effettuate da coloro che sono in grado di farlo. Ci sono centinaia di uomini sia delle componenti istituzionali che volontari della Protezione civile ma comunque si tratta di professionisti".

La Protezione civile Abruzzo ha messo a disposizione un numero attivo 24 ore su 24 per richiedere informazioni: 80.35.55
I capi scout dell'Agesci (Associazione guide e scout italiani) sono stati autorizzati dalla Protezione civile a partecipare alle operazioni di soccorso. L'organizzazione degli scout sta preparando, come sempre in casi di emergenza, in tutte le regioni le schede di partecipazione per i capi scout che vorranno prendere parte alle operazioni. La Croce Rossa è già arrivata nella Regione con attrezzature sanitarie, tra cui un Posto medico avanzato e le unità cinofile e gli ospedali romani sono stati tempestivamente posti in stato di allerta per l’eventuale accoglienza di feriti gravi provenienti dalle zone colpite dal sisma. Croce Rossa Italiana sta organizzando anche una raccolta a livello nazionale per far confluire tutto il necessario nell’area colpita dal terremoto.

I consigli
Il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile raccomanda di:
- non mettersi in viaggio verso i luoghi colpiti dal terremoto;
- limitare al massimo l'uso del telefono, per agevolare tutte le operazioni di soccorso e lasciare libere le linee agli operatori, evitando sovraccarichi di rete.

Coperte, vestiti, pannolini, latte in polvere, casse d'acqua e tutti i beni di prima necessità che possono servire alle popolazioni gravemente colpite dal terremoto di questa notte in Abruzzo verranno raccolti a Bologna da CasaPound mette a disposizione la propria sede di Piazza di Porta Castiglione 12, 24 ore su 24. Il numero di riferimento per eventuali contatti è il 328 1903595. L'associazione ambientalista "Fare ambiente" sta coordinando la raccolta di materiali di prima necessita presso la propria sede di Roma, in Via Nazionale, 243, tel. 06 48029924.

Anche Legacoop Nazionale e Legacoop Abruzzo si sono attivate distribuire generi di prima necessità, e in particolare acqua e latte, in coordinamento con la Croce Rossa.Ulteriori e più articolate iniziative di solidarietà e di sostegno alla popolazione dei centri colpiti dal sisma saranno definite nelle prossime ore, per rispondere alle esigenze che si manifesteranno ed in linea con le indicazioni che verranno fornite dalla protezione civile.

Donazione di sangue
Il presidente della Regione Abruzzo Gianni Chiodi chiede che vengano sospese le donazioni di sangue. "Abbiamo sangue a sufficienza e ringraziamo tutti coloro che lo hanno donato", ha precisato Chiodi.
Appelli per la donazione di sangue erano stati lanciati nelle prime ore di questa mattina sia dal ministro del Welfare, Maurizio Sacconi, che dal presidente della Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo.

Cosa fare in caso di terremoto:
- Cercate riparo all'interno di un vano di una porta inserita sotto un muro portante o sotto una trave: se rimanete al centro della stanza, infatti, potreste essere feriti dalla caduta di vetri, intonaco o altro materiale.
- Non precipitatevi per le scale: dopo una scossa sismica sono la parte più debole di un edificio. Per lo stesso motivo non usate l’ascensore che potrebbe bloccarsi.
- Alla fine della scossa ricordatevi, prima di uscire di casa, di chiudere gli interruttori generali del gas e della corrente elettrica per evitare di innescare incendi e deflagrazioni.
- Da ultimo vi ricordiamo di non bloccare le strade con le auto: lasciatele libere per i mezzi di soccorso.