Friday, May 13, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere! Part 6

"This is Rock'n'Roll. There's no such word as NO"
- B. Johnson

GREAT INTERVIEW FROM LONDON (Wilkes Barre mentioned too!)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere! Part 5

Live At River Plate Premiere -- AC/DC from Columbia Records on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere! Part 4

AC/DC Abruzzo is back home after a fantastic weekend in London! It was great to be "back on the road" for this special AC/DC event even though the boys didn't play a gig (as we all secretly hoped).

But it was great to be back at the Hammersmith Apollo Theatre after 8 years from the concert that changed our life in 2003... Matteo, Andrea, Stefano and even Gianni (one of the lost founding fathers of AC/DC Abruzzo) were there. Marco of AC/DC Italia couldn't make it but he was replaced by Gabriele.

As for Orangus... well, in the end he didn't come. If AC/DC don't play is hard to convince to leave his business in Milan and go to another country to see a movie. However, Orangus' assistant was there.

It was great to see all our mates from the 2 years of the Black Ice tour, from the Rock'n'Roll Nonno to Uncle Michel, from Stonebreaker to Carole. We also saw and greeted many more friends but unfortunately we missed someone since we arrived to the theatre pretty late because of a traffic jam near Knightsbridge.

It was also cool to meet crazy hard core fans as Manuel from Mozambique who came all the way from Africa for the gig and Matthew from England, that we had met last year in Sydney... We also saw El Rana and the Spanish "delegation". They were in Fremantle with us in March 2010. After all, what we miss the most from the Black Ice tour are the fans, their stories and the unique moments with AC/DC that we share with them...

Inside the theatre, again all decorated with AC/DC logos and symbols, we felt strong emotions. We sat down in the Stalls section, not to far from where we were in 2003. We watched Ozzy introducing the band and then the whole Live at River Plate movie. The band was sitting a few metres from us, but they all left after a few songs.

Orangus' assistant (on the left) watching the DVD attentively

At the end we met Director David Mallet. A real gentleman. And a real artist. Maybe too much of an artist (we are still having a hard time in understanding the necessity to use the split screen effect with an AC/DC live concert).

It was a great night. We spent a couple of hours in the upper bar after the show drinking tequila and hanging out with old and new friends, including Ross Young. We also met and talked for a few minutes with Bon's nephew, Paul, who attended the premiere too. Nice guy...

During the weekend in London we also managed to meet the boys in person. They all looked in great shape, especially Brian. The idea of a new album and tour sounds totally realistic...


Monday, May 9, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere! Part 3

More photos...
And soon some stories too...

Abruzzo breakfast

The Vice President greeting his fans...

AC/DC on the Black Carpet

German and Irish flags

With Stonebreaker

With Matthew. Last time we met was in Sydney...

One of the best interviews done by the boys in London was for a Canadian Newspaper. CHECK IT OUT!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere! Part 2

Report on the BBC

Some members of the Abruzzo delegation...

Exclusive photos (Courtesy of Matthew McNamee)

Exclusive Video

More material from London soon... Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Live at River Plate World Premiere!

Introduction by Ozzy Osbourne

AC/DC on stage!

Watch the full video here:


Live at River Plate DVD looks fantastic! Soon full report and more pictureS from London!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

1 day to the Hammersmith Live at River Plate World Premiere

The Hammersmith theatre 24 hours from the big come back of AC/DC...

Not many signs of the AC/DC Live at River Plate DVD... But tomorrow it'll be different...

Will Orangus show up for the Hammersmith DVD premiere in London?

This is the big questions for all the readers of AC/DC Abruzzo blog. After more than 60 shows (41 only during the Black Ice tour) he proved to be as crazy as the AC/DC Abruzzo crew... And 2 days from the big event, we still don't have any news from him....

We met Orangus for the first time outside the legendary Hammersmith theatre in 2003, about one hour from the beginning of the concert. He was the one who provided the ticket for the President who had come to London without a ticket for the show...

With Orangus after the Hammersmith 2003 show...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 days to the Hammersmith Live at River Plate World Premiere

- 2 days!

For Those About to Rock - Live at Hammersmith 2003

From Black Ice World Tour Photo Book (2 years on the road with AC/DC)

by Matteo Abruzzo

"The Carling Apollo Theatre was almost empty. The lights had switched on just a few minutes before in the “stalls section”. The intense smell of sulfur was still floating in the air. Groups of people covered in sweat, smiling and chanting were slowly heading out of the theatre. Most had an excited, euphoric look as if they just had some sort of epiphany.
I could still feel the drone in my ears. I had a last glance at the cannons on the side of the stage responsible for the thunderous explosions earlier on, underlying the tempo of that unexpected Rock’n’Roll apotheosis.
The powerful riff and lyrics of “If You Want Blood, You’ve Got it” were still in my head…
And they would remain there for the next 5 years."

Stefano and Matteo after the show...