Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today AC/DC Abruzzo is glad to be with a legendary fan who’s been following the band for ages. He’s a piece of history of AC/DC and you will find his name even in books such as AC/DC Maximum Rock’n’Roll. In the last year we met him several times on the road, from the R'n'R Train video shoot in London to the Open air Stadium Tour and he's a good friend of ours. His name is Alan but AC/DC Abruzzo likes to call him Alano or ... ROCK'N'ROLL NONNO!

The President, Alan and the Secretary General in Dublin last April

1-Hi Alan, it’s a pleasure to be with you again. Last time we met was in Paris after the Stade de France show. How are you?

Hi guys, how are you both? It seems a long time since Hampden Park, I don't know why we didn't catch up in either Wembley or Dublin... I am fine and in good health, enjoying the rest of the summer and going up to Manchester to see my beloved UNITED and also doing lots of gardening and decorating to earn some 'pocket money' and really looking forward to my trip to Australia for another 11 shows, they will take me up to 47 for this tour!

2- WOW! GRANDE ALANO! If we remember correctly, we met for the first time in the lobby of our hotel in Wilkes Barres, PA last October just one day before the secret/private show, 5 years after AC/DC’s last gig in London. We were both checking in in the hotel. We remember the levels of excitement for the historic come back of AC/DC and for the world tour. What are your memories of that wonderful experience in that small Pennsylvania town in the middle of nowhere?

My first memories of Wilkes Barre (after meeting you fine italians) is rain, rain and more rain. As you know I was with Michel and although we were drowned we laughed. I will tell you about our trip to Mcdonalds later. The afternoon of the show, meeting up with old friends and making new ones was great. The actual rehersal show was not one of the most memorable but still great to see the guys again.

Alano in Wilkes Barres

Yes, it did rain a lot the day before the show. Then sun and the following day, snow! At least for those who were coming from NY... After Wilkes Barre, you continued for a mini tour in the States and you met several times with the Vice President Andrea and Marco from AC/DC Italia. How many shows did you attend? How was to see AC/DC back in action after so much time? And what was your favorite show in the US?

I was travelling with Michel (another huge fan from Belgium) at the time, on to Chicago and then I continued onto New York on my own. Flying some of the time and Greyhound the others. Indianapolis was great as it was really warm there and there was also an American football game in town the day before the concert and the town was full of football fans from both teams--with NO trouble-. I saw 9 shows on this leg of the tour and it was great to see the guys again as they began to get into their stride as the tour progressed. I think my favourite show was the first show at the Garden, not only for the show, but meeting up with Arnaud (Durieux), Alex and Brian after. As you know we had a good time again lots of laughs.

Great! Going back to the AC/DC come back last year. Our Secretary General Stephano reported your presence also at the video shoot in London back in August, for the first public appearance of the band. You are everywhere! If AC/DC is doing something important somewhere in the world prepare to see Alan!! How did it go in London?

London was a bit of a panic at first because we didn't know if we were going to get 'tickets' but then we managed to be put on the guest list so all was well in the end. It was so good to see the boys and the set, but a disappointment not to be able to get to see the boys during takes. I guess we were spoilt at the ' Hard as a rock ' video shoot when we spent about 12 hours there and the guys were happy to sign autographs between takes all day. But things have changed for sure, so we have to change with them.

Then the European indoor tour began and we met again in Stockholm last February (you had skipped the opening date in Oslo!). Like us, you are a big fan of indoor shows as opposed to Stadium shows (much more intimate). As you know the best shows for AC/DC Abruzzo were, in order: Paris Bercy, Milan and Dublin O2 Arena. Which were the best shows of the indoor tour for you and why?

Stockholm was great, all that snow, as where I live in England I hadn't seen as much snow as that for about 30 years. My favourite shows in Europe (excluding UK and Ireland) would have to be Madrid, Bilbao and Milan. for me the fans were really into it and the band respond to the crowd so I must hand it to the fans.

Going back to your “career” as a AC/DC fan. How many shows did you roughly see? Which tour is your favorite? Any interesting/funny stories from the road and/or with the band members you can tell us?

I have now seen over 100 Ac/Dc shows, going back to 1978. My favourite show was in New York at Roseland (!!!!!!) when they were in town for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003. Again went over with no tickets and didn't know i was going to get one until the morning of the show. That afternoon we went down to the theatre to see if we could catch any of sound check. Tickets were changing hands for hundreds of dollars and I realised how lucky was I. When the boys arrived they stopped for a chat and as with Brian, a hug. Also with Ellen, which I will tell you about one day.
One really funny thing happened in Wilkes Barre. After the show myself and Michel were alking back to the hotel and were extremely hungry, to our surprise only Mcdonalds was still open so we walked round to there, as you know all of about 50 metres only to be told that we could only be served at the drive thro' as we were not in a car they wouldn't serve us. No way. We walked back to the hotel still hungry and moaning about the service. As we got to the entrance a taxi dropped a couple of guys off. I asked the cabbie if he was free, 'sure guys- where to' -- 'Could you take us to Mcdonalds' explaining our predicament. 'No problem guys in you jump' so off we go to get our Mcdonalds 50 metres away. This guy was a life saver and didn't want to charge us for the privilege. And i bet he still tells the story, as we do. There are many more to tell, but not right now as they take too long....

That's AMERICA! During the last European tour we remember we were on the same early morning flight from Milan to Budapest. You were with Michel who made you confess that you actually saw the Stones and Jimi Hendrix live back in the SIXTIES! We hadn’t slept the previous night so our recollections might be wrong? Is that actually true?

On that flight from Milan to Budapest you were in a coma I think... ah ah ah. (After 2 Milan shows in the pit with that crowd and no sleep you bet we were!) But, yes it is true that i saw Jimi Hendrix and the Stones in the 60's, so many more, Cream, 'Little Stevie Wonder', the Who, the Kinks, all the English groups along with the touring american bands on the 'stax tour' even Otis Redding and he was expensive, if I remember it was 10 shillings to see him, that's 50 pence now!! Wilson Pickett, Lee Dorsey there were so many... Remember that all these were shows where you stood and people would be dancing whilst they played. But Hendrix was special, he done things with a guitar that we hadn't seen before, I'd never seen anyone set fire to one up until then. It's not all bad being 60!

WOW! You a are a lucky man! Your biggest passions are rock music, AC/DC and football. And we know you’re a Manchester Utd fan. Last year was not very succesful, was it?

Yes I am a Man United fan and last year was not so good we only won the Premier league for the third year on the trot and also the league cup and as you are hinting at, I think , is losing in the final of the Champions League. I have had two season tickets for about 15 years now and still go to nearly every home game-560 kms round trip. We are looking forward to playing an Italian team in the final this year unless we knock them out before.

Mhm... Not so sure.... Anyway, in Manchester, after the shows you showed pictures of your grandchildren? You’re proud of them, although you told us they’re not into rock music. Tell us something about them.

My four grandchildren are a real treat to me. Three girls and a boy. 10,11,12 and 13 years old. My eldest grandaughter is a good footballer and i try to see her play whenever i can, unfortunately she is a Norwich fan. They help to keep me young and give me a lot of pleasure.

Grazie mille, Alan. Hopefully our paths will cross again at an AC/DC show. Probably in the Southern Hemisphere…

Looking forward to seeing you guys in OZ in 2010!

Alano, Michel and the Italian bosses

Sunday, September 27, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo learned about the postponing of 6 October shows in US (Las Vegas, Louisville, Kansas City, Des Moines and Milwaukee ) due to Brian being hospitalised. Reportedly, he will get a 15-day break to get some rest before he gets back on stage for the continuation of the World Tour. From Abruzzo "Auguri di pronta guarigione a Brian".

Friday, September 25, 2009


Many of you have been asking AC/DC Abruzzo about the setlist problem and about mentioning it to Malcolm... On the very few occasions we met with him we discreetly tackled the subject, also with Brian, and despite our polite requests we understood that changing the setlist and playing rare songs was not a priority of the band. The most important thing was to carry on with this ambitious 2-year world tour, filling up stadiums and reaching as many people as possible around the globe. AMEN.

Here's a recent video (apparently genuine) of a fan chatting with Malcolm about the setlist, next album/CD release etc. 


Thanks to Marcom from BS.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


While waiting for the continuation of the tour AC/DC Abruzzo has created a new FACEBOOK profile with more exclusive content directly from the President's secret archives. Join in!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo's good friend Gigggi, from Naples couldn't resist the temptation and went to California to see the boys again. Last time we met him was last March in Milan for the 2 legendary indoor shows at the Forum Assago.

A lot of water under the bridge since then...

Giggi loved the show and sent us some pics and a short report. He's been advised to save money for next year summer tour in Europe...

ANAHEIM September 8, 2009

My frst lady and I got to Anaheim around 6pm, after driving for 60km on the jammed freeways from Venice Beach to the venue. The first thing you notice in the States is the perfect organization. Maybe a bit excessive... Especially compared to Italy. Relax guys!!!! Inside the Honda Centre there was even air conditioning! Umbelievable!!!But AC/DC got up on stage and it was hot as hell again!!!We got the same setlist as in Europe, with Dog eat dog. The boys are in great shape, not tired at all despite being on tour for so long. The Jack was the highlight of the night with a lot of playing around of Brian and Angus. As for Brian, it's a surprise how much energy he puts into the show... It's hard to believe that he really wants to quit after this tour... How can we live without AC/DC?

Ciao a susfaccimme de esidisiabbruzz..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo is glad to announce that AC/DC will be back in Europe in 2010!! Although it has not been officially announced by the band, yesterday night we received the confirmation from very reliable sources that AC/DC have signed a deal to play Paris Stade De France again in 2010! This probably means there will be an entire European leg (according to rumours, Eastern Europe)!!

AC/DC Abruzzo staff is now back to work after a well deserved break. Get ready for more surprises and exclusive material from the road! The Black Ice tour GOES ON!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Roseto Degli Abruzzi

Last week was holiday week for AC/DC Abruzzo's team ...  

The Secretary General Stefano spent his summer holiday in London working in his luxury Italian restaurant to make enough money to fund Project Japan 2010 (dates TBC).  The President Matteo applied for a couple of Visas in different countries around the world while trying to resuscitate his career and taking care of his suntan on the wonderful Abruzzo's sandy beaches. The Vice President Andrea also spent his holidays working hard in the City of St. Angel, in Abruzzo. His conflict of interest became even more clear since he's been holding secret daily meetings with a member of AC/DC Italia's staff who also chose Abruzzo as the destination of his summer holidays. Orangus touched base with us yesterday after two weeks into hiding in the US. We'll post the last episode of his adventures soon.

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to the President who turned 30 today!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The most hard core fans around the world will surely remember what happened exactly one year ago in London...

Only a few hundred fans were granted the privilege to attend the shoot of the first AC/DC video since 2001. The long journey around the world of the ROCK'N'ROLL TRAIN had started... 

Although there was no official announcement by Sony or the band on the album release that was a clear sign that AC/DC were finally back after 5 long years!



AC/DC ABRUZZO Secretary General (Old School Rebel) in the video