Sunday, January 17, 2010


While warming up for the Australian tour here's some of our best pictures from the 2009 European Indoor tour. The Arena shows in Europe were so intimate that we are still thanking the Gods of rock'n'roll for having had the privilege to attend most of them and be so close to the boys...

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Thursday, January 14, 2010


After the meeting with Alan aka the Rock'n'Roll Nonno, AC/DC Abruzzo has another special guest. He goes by the name of Looy and his fame and legendary deeds are well known in the AC/DC hardcore fan community. AC/DC Abruzzo had the privilege to meet him in person several times during the European tour and his stories and advice have been very educational and inspirational for AC/DC Abruzzo for the rock’n’roll journey we embarked on Europe.

Looy, thank you for being with us. The last time we talked was just before the final European gig in Glasgow last summer. Memorable day. So, how is it going? Any more shows since then?

Oh it’s been a strange year, but I’m doing well thanks. No, Glasgow was my last gig of the year. I thought maybe if I could get the money together I’d try to go to some of the shows in the US, but it didn’t work out. So it was back to work trying to make some money for Europe next year.

The first time we actually met was in front of the Paris Bercy arena last February before the first of the two historic sold out shows. It was a brief encounter… Then we had the chance to talk a bit more in Antwerp a few days after. You told us some of your incredible Rock’n’Roll stories… Including your record breaking experience in the Ballbreaker tour! Amazing!

Well, that was my most Over The Top tour, a real Ballbreaker! I went a bit mad and did the first 95 shows (the complete US tour first leg from January to April and the complete European tour first leg from April to July). I did some rough calculations a few years later and it worked out at about 40,000 km travel on the ground, and another 40,000 km flying.

In America I didn’t stay in (cheap) hotels very often, mostly I slept in bus stations, the airport, or somewhere around the arena, or I tried to get overnight buses or flights. It got so bad towards the end that the band took pity on me and gave me some pocket money so I could take a cheap hotel at least for a couple of nights a week! I think I must have looked pretty bad by then!

Europe was much easier. I had a rail card for Scandinavia and some friends who were travelling to batches of shows, and I made new friends along the way who helped me get to other shows. Everyone was keen to help and no-one wanted petrol money, which I couldn’t have afforded anyway! Those helping friends really made Europe possible and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them all. It would have been almost impossible without them.

Impressive! Any funny/interesting stories to share?

Lots! Many I’m afraid are now forgotten, some are just too long to go into here! A couple of interesting moments regarding the Ballbreaker stage production might raise a smile, both happened somewhere in the US.

One night as they started the song Ballbreaker, Brian went behind the Amps to climb on the ball (originally the plan was for Angus to do this each night, but he had other ideas! So Brian the ex-paratrooper stepped in). As the song started the ball rose as usual, but halfway up Brian’s sweat soaked hands dropped the microphone. The band riffed on and Brian was trying desperately to get the crane operator’s attention, no-one noticed until the moment he was supposed to start singing. The band riffed on. Finally the ball started to lower to the stage and Brian jumped off and ran to the side of the stage for a new microphone. The band riffed on. Brian returned to centre stage, and Phil played a quick “de-de” to time everyone, Brian stepped forward and started to sing – nothing, the new microphone didn’t work! The band riffed on. Brian collected another microphone (professional band this!) and then tried again, finally everything worked and the song was completed without further problems. It was the longest intro to Ballbreaker ever played!

On another night, the show was about to start, the house lights went out and the long production intro used on the Ballbreaker tour started (as on No Bull). Eventually the crane swung out, but the ball never lowered. After a few minutes the faithful roadie appeared on the crane arm and tried to get it moving. After several attempts the ball finally lowered and the band came on. At the end of Back in Black, Brian turned and looked up at the ball , then looking back at the audience said “Sorry about that, everyone gets their ball’ stuck once in a while, hey lads?”. Another great Johnson Moment!

AHAHAH. We just love Brian's humour... Looy, please tell us more about your passion and dedication for AC/DC. How did it start? How did it develop? And how has it affected and enriched your life?

Well, that’s three questions that I’ve taken a lifetime to answer for myself! How to keep it short? Umm.

I first heard DC (as they were known in England) around late `78 when I was 13 and heard a school friend’s couple of singles. I also had some older friends who were listening to hard rock, so I heard more stuff from them. Sometime towards the end of `79 I asked one of them which album was a good starting point, and he recommended If You Want Blood. I went to town and bought a copy, but when I got it home and played it the needle just kept jumping. I took it back and got another copy, but it too jumped. I took that back and the shop ordered another copy for me which took about 5 weeks to arrive! Finally I got to hear the full album, and I was hooked. (Collectors note: if you find a UK pressed If You Want Blood with the track times on the label, don’t be surprised if it jumps, as far as I know, all these pressings did!) I now own around 30 international vinyl pressings of IYWB, and I blame a lot of this collecting habit on the problems with this first purchase.

How did it develop?.... I just kept buying!

How has it affected and enriched my life? Profoundly and beyond all measure. I’ve seen, and more importantly heard, things I would never have thought possible. I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting the band in person on many occasions and some of the concerts I’ve attended have become legendary. Many others would have been legendary if they hadn’t just been another night of a tour, but sometimes the magic that every performer and fan seeks arrives unannounced and makes for one magical night of rock’n’roll. Some people would kill for it, I’ve nearly died for it!

Certainly meeting my very good friend Goulash for the first time, at the back of Wembley Arena on a freezing cold January day in ’86, was a moment that has gone on to often enrich my life (you have to know him!). Since then we’ve met up at many concerts around the US and Europe and the laughs we’ve had along the way certainly helped us through the pain! Like me, he’s another chap who just wants to go to the show, and he won’t be stopped either. We rarely ever make any plans to travel together, but we always find us!

In fact that’s something all of us who meet up on the road laugh about. Most friends intending to meet at a concert will plan to meet “at the main entrance” or “the third burger stand on the right”. We leave it at “see you in New York” or wherever, and we always end up together somehow (chaos theory?), meeting in a Subway station, record store, airport arrivals hall or some such place.

We actually experienced this “chaos theory” ourselves several times during this tour…. From Wilkes Barre to Glasgow... If we remember correctly in England you told us that you were going to attend your 100th AC/DC concert. Unbelievable! Around the world there must be only a few people with more than 100 shows under their belt. Pretty hardcore….

Well this will just sound like bravado, but actually my 100th show was in Stuttgart `96. This year’s tour included my 200th gig, in Birmingham, which being the last indoor show in Europe was good timing. I didn’t set out to “do more concerts than anyone else”, and in fact there are fans out there who’ve done more, it just ended up getting out of control. All that motivated me was to go to the show, regardless where or how often. Just go to the show and enjoy. No matter how tired or rundown you are, the house lights go out, the roar goes up, and the world and its problems are insignificant.

WOW! 200 shows!!!!... I guess in Birmingham we were a bit tired after so many shows in a row... Anyway, now a classic question. Which was your favourite tour? Any memorable show in particular?

Ask anyone who’s lost their virginity and the answer’s the same: the first time! In my case Hammersmith Odeon 13.10.82. I heard the Bell and saw the light, so to speak! I went the next night too when they added The Jack and Have A Drink On Me, but I couldn’t afford to see them the following two nights and leaving Hammersmith on the morning of the 15th (I slept out on the street, something I’d get used to!) knowing they’d be playing again that night was awful. Like with the IYWB record story, it’s probably responsible for my need to go again and again. I hate the feeling I have when I’ve seen them a few nights in a row and then know that tonight they’ll play again and I won’t be there.

Riding to Holland from England (using the ferry as well of course!) on my Honda 90 for the show in Leiden ’91 was a great laugh as well.

Maybe one concert of note to your Italian readers would be Modena ’91, when on the day before the concert I was allowed to get on stage and take several swings at the Hells Bell with Brian’s hammer (see photo). That was on Friday the 13th September 1991 and the photos (taken by the Tour Manager Jake Berry) are among my most treasured items. What AC/DC fanatic wouldn’t want to do that? And on Friday the 13th!

Greensboro ‘96 was of course exceptional. Everything came together at the right time to make it possible. Phil was back, I’d been to the video shoot for Hard As A Rock, and to find myself in Greensboro in the worst snowstorms for decades was exhilarating! Unfortunately I missed the tour rehearsals as, sensibly enough, the band had those in Florida and I couldn’t change arrangements to get there. But that first night with Phil back was magic, the only time he ever played a Simon Wright track (Who Made Who) on stage! And Down Payment Blues!!!!! Later in Europe I fell in love (yes, we’re still together) and the band kindly agreed to play DPB on the 8th May in Dortmund for her (if you know the lyrics you can guess her name). I think, if I remember correctly, in Europe they only played it then and on the third night in Madrid, and in Dortmund Angus got the intro wrong, so that was unique!

As for a favourite tour. Hmmm. It’s always hard to pick a favourite when you’ve enjoyed so much. The Cannon and Bell Tour ’82 was amazing. The volume was incredible, and the sound in Hammersmith Odeon is wonderful. But then those tours in the ‘80s with Simon are very unfairly dismissed in the history books. They really were the only Rock’n’Roll band fighting back against the stupid hair and soft production techniques that the ‘80s music industry thought was the future. It must’ve been a real struggle, and it certainly took its toll on Mal (I’d love to have seen the band with Stevie Young standing in. Did it work….?). Ballbreaker was, from my point of view, in a different league to the other tours. With Phil back and a great setlist, it’s hard to beat. But I think The Razors Edge Tour was pretty significant as well. It put the band back in the spotlight and got them a lot more attention. For me personally, it was the first time I travelled to a lot of shows, ten indoors and then 15 of the Open Airs, during which I was given a VIP tour pass. I’d planned to only do 8 or so outdoor shows, but with a pass in my hand, I did more. When it was decided that the show would go to Moscow, (only 2 weeks before the show!) Malcolm asked me if I was going and I told him financially and planning wise it just wasn’t possible. Next day Jake Berry told me “Mal wants you to come to Moscow, you’ll fly in with the band!” That would have been amazing, but when the tours lawyers found out they immediately said no! Taking me without a Visa into Russia at that time when I wasn’t even working for the band was just to much of a risk. I could see their point, but…..

Looy with the Hell's Bell in Modena 1991

INCREDIBILE!!! ... Any other funny/curious stories about your life on the road you want to share with us?

Oh God yes, many! Poland ’91 for instance. I had to collect my ticket from the crew hotel the day before the show (as it had value, like currency, it could not be sent out of the country back then). After collecting it I went into the hotel’s bar and being in Poland I ordered a vodka. The girl at the bar got out a large (oh dear) glass and one-third filled it with vodka. She then went to add orange juice, which I didn’t want, so instead she filled the glass to the top with vodka (oh dear, oh dear). I guess back then orange juice was rarer and more expensive than local vodka. Anyway, on the barstool next to me was an American, who I assumed was roadcrew, and we got rather drunk as the evening went on and talked as strangers do. At one point I gave my not too kind views of the smooth sound production used by Queensryche. The next day as they played, I realised what a really great guy the guitarist in Queensryche is, he could have been quite upset in the bar, but he never let on who he was, nor did he start a fight!

On the morning of the concert I’d been talking with two Polish girls at the backstage entrance to the stadium. They told that on the trains heading south out of Warsaw, gangs of youths were going through the trains beating anyone who looked like they might have a ticket for the concert! While we were talking a young guy appeared and sort of just hung around us. He tried to speak to the girls and they were very dismissive of him. I asked why, and they said he was Russian. I wondered what a Russian was doing here and although the girls didn’t really want to, we managed a 3-way, 3 language exchange of information. He told us he’d heard AC/DC and Metallica were playing in Poland and he just had to be there, so without documentation, travel papers, visa or even a rail ticket, he hid on a train to Warsaw believing such a great concert must be in the capital. He got through all the controls and the border only to find the concert was in Chorzow, so he managed to hide on several more trains and found his way to the venue. Still without a ticket for the show, he was hoping something would happen. It did. When the band arrived I told their then manager (Stewart Young, no relation) about this mad Russian, and he gave me a ticket to pass on to him. Can you imagine how this guy felt in 1991? He took his life in his hands and it paid off big time! OK, they played in Moscow a month later, but that wasn’t known to anyone then. And at such a huge concert there wouldn’t be much guarantee of actually seeing very much, compared to having a ticket for the front of stage in a proper stadium. I think he had balls! I really hope he made it home safely.

Yeah, we remember this incredible story: you told us when we met before the shows during this tour... The power of rock'n'roll!!! You also gave us some useful pieces of advice during the tour. About the importance of planning and being prepared to face difficulties and moments of discouragement, also facing average people who keep criticizing and will never understand what’s behind this hardcore passion and unusual lifestyle…

Yes? Ah, logistics is the key. You need a lose framework of a plan, and then just keep adapting until you get home. As for others, what do they know? If you’re not doing it for yourself, then something’s fundamentally wrong with your plan.

Another important tip was about how to manage your calendar when you’re on tour: you taught us that knowing the weekday is virtually useless. The question “What day is it today?” should be answered as follows. “Today it’s Dusseldorf!” “Tomorrow is the day before Oberhausen” and so on…Ahahaha. This method actually worked pretty well for us when we would wake up in some hotel room wandering where we were….

I’m glad it’s proved useful! But I can’t claim to have invented the method. Anyone who’s been on the road with a timetable to follow will quickly learn this basic adjustment to the clock system. See, you did!

Looy, we also know about your other passion! Italian motorbikes… Guzzi in particular… What can you tell us about that?

Ahhh, my third passion and vice! Yes it’s true. I am the very proud owner of a V1000G5. She was first registered in August 1979, so she was in the showroom when Highway to Hell was released! I bought her in 1994 after having three V50 mark 3’s in 5 years. I had a bad accident in 1989 on the first one (car drivers!), and the insurance money I finally got for that paid for the G5 and the Ballbreaker tour with not a penny left over!

For me, the G5 is the last “Gentlemen’s Motorcycle”. When you are built like a north of the Alps Barbarian, you can only dream of fitting on a LeMans or V7Sport. The G5 is laid out for bigger people, and with the way mine has been modified it’s possible to remove the boxes and screen in 15 minutes and turn the “Gran Turismo” into a “Strada” bike , very versatile and “user friendly”.

Last year, I found out the studio where the video for Rock’n’Roll Train was being filmed, but only the day before it happened. So I loaded the trusty G5 and set off from my new home here in Bavaria to get to London as quickly as possible. 140-160 kph on a 30 year old bike for 1000 km each way was a bit crazy, and on the journey home I did some damage to the valves because of overheating, but she got me home as always…BELLA GUZZI! Since then I’ve found out I also did some damage to the gearbox, and the clutch fell apart about 1000 km after I got home. But that’s how it goes, followin’ a band……It’s a long way…

"Two of Italy's greatest creations"

Yes... It's a long way... But we're gonna RIDE ON!!

It was a pleasure talking to you Looy. And thank you very much! We hope to see you soon at an AC/DC show…

Ah, thank you! Well… that’s the most likely place! Ave Abruzzo! Ave Italia!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Many people have asked us what we do in life. No, guys! We did not win the National Lottery and we are not in the MAFIA!!! Or maybe we are...

AC/DC Abruzzo is simply the creation of three ordinary guys from the region of Abruzzo in Italy who share a unique passion for AC/DC and their music. Especially when they are ON STAGE!



The three young men from Abruzzo all took part in an event that changed their lives on October 21, 2003: the 4-minute soldout AC/DC show at the legendary Hammersmith Odeon Theather of London. After that concert their lives would never be the same again. That night they made the promise to go and see AC/DC wherever in the world they would decide to play again. That show remained AC/DC's last public appearance for 5 long years... Until the private show of Wilkes Barre on October 26, 2008...

The Italian Delegation in Wilkes Barre (from the Official Fannation Documentary by Sony)

The dream the boys had been cultivating for all these years was to see as many AC/DC live shows as possible around the world. TRAVELLING THE WORLD WITH AC/DC! To make this possible a strict "Impossible is nothing" policy has been implemented since the very beginning. This took a lot of hard work, planning and improvisation. In the 5 years of waiting the boys all got flexible lifestyle and careers and when the tour started they were ready. Project AC/DC Abruzzo's blog was created to share their adventures with other hardcore fans around the world. And for posterity...



Matteo - aka The President (Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee)

Born and raised in Abruzzo he studied in the North of Italy. After the Hammersmith gig he kept travelling around the world working and living in Spain, France, Uk and Canada. He's self employed and his career has been progressively tailored to the AC/DC World Tour / rockstar lifestyle.
He's the co-founder of AC/DC Abruzzo and the guardian and promoter of the philosophy behind Project AC/DC Abruzzo. He coordinates activities and initiatives in the field and on the internet. With the Steering Committee he takes executive decisions during the tour and has the task to update AC/DC Abruzzo's blog.

BLACK ICE TOUR - 53 shows
26 Oct 2008 - Wilkes-Barre, PA - Wachovia Arena
28 Oct 2008 - Wilkes-Barre, PA - Wachovia Arena
18 Feb 2009 Oslo NO Telenor Arena
20 Feb 2009 Stockholm SE The Globe
22 Feb 2009 Stockholm SE The Globe
25 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
27 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
01 Mar 2009 Antwerp BE Sportpaleis
07 Mar 2009 Dusseldorf DE ISS Dome
09 Mar 2009 Oberhausen DE KoPi Arena
17 Mar 2009 Prague CZ O2 Arena
19 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
21 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
23 Mar 2009 Budapest HU Papp László Sportarena
31 Mar 2009 Barcelona ES Sant Jordi
02 Apr 2009 Madrid ES Palacio de los Deportes
14 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
16 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
18 Apr 2009 Dublin IE O2 Arena
21 Apr 2009 Manchester GB MEN
23 Apr 2009 Birmingham GB NEC
13 May 2009 Leizig, Zentralstadium
15 May 2009 Munich, Olympic Stadium
7 Jun 2009 Barcelona, Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys
9 Jun 2009 Marseille, Stade velodrome
12 Jun 2009 Paris, Stade De France
28 Jun 2009 Dublin, Punchestown
30 Jun 2009 Glasgow,Hampden Park
Feb 11, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 13, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 15, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 18, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 20, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 22, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 25, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC
Feb 27, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC
Mar 02, 2010 Adelaide AU Adelaide Oval
Mar 06, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval
Mar 08, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval
14 May Sofia BG Vassil Levsky Stadium
16 May Bucharest RO Piata Constitutiei
19 May Udine IT Stadio Friuli
27 May Warsaw PL Bemowo Airport
30 May Oslo NO Valle Hovin Stadion
01 Jun Tampere FI Ratina Stadium
03 Jun Stockholm SE Olympic Stadium
05 Jun Horsens DK CASA Arena Horsens
11 Jun Donington GB Donington Park
18 Jun Paris FR Stade De France
22 Jun Berlin DE Olympic Stadium
26 Jun Seville, ES Olympic Stadium
28 June Bilbao, ES San Mames Stadi

Stefano - aka The Secretary General (member of the Steering Committee)

Long standing friend and trusted man of The President he lived and worked in Abruzzo all his life before moving to London, UK 5 years ago. He's a renowned wine sommelier and expert of Italian cuisine. He's been working for some of the best Italian restaurants in London.
He takes executive decisions during the tour as a member of the Steering Committee. He is the loyal assistant of the President and he's responsible for the catering services during the tour (food and wine selection).

BLACK ICE TOUR - 47 shows + RnR Train video shoot in London
18 Feb 2009 Oslo NO Telenor Arena
20 Feb 2009 Stockholm SE The Globe
22 Feb 2009 Stockholm SE The Globe
25 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
27 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
01 Mar 2009 Antwerp BE Sportpaleis
17 Mar 2009 Prague CZ O2 Arena
19 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
21 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
23 Mar 2009 Budapest HU Papp László Sportarena
31 Mar 2009 Barcelona ES Sant Jordi
02 Apr 2009 Madrid ES Palacio de los Deportes
04 Apr 2009 Bilbao ES el Bizkaia Arena
14 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
16 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
18 Apr 2009 Dublin IE O2 Arena
21 Apr 2009 Manchester GB MEN
23 Apr 2009 Birmingham GB NEC
15 May 2009 Munich, Olympic Stadium
12 Jun 2009 Paris, Stade De France
30 Jun 2009 Glasgow,Hampden Park
Feb 11, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 13, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 15, 2010 Melbourne Etihad Stadium
Feb 18, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 20, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 22, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium
Feb 25, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC
Feb 27, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC
Mar 02, 2010 Adelaide AU Adelaide Oval
Mar 06, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval
Mar 08, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval
14 May Sofia BG Vassil Levsky Stadium
16 May Bucharest RO Piata Constitutiei
19 May Udine IT Stadio Friuli
22 May Wels AT Air Field (Flugplatz Wels)
30 May Oslo NO Valle Hovin Stadion
01 Jun Tampere FI Ratina Stadium
03 Jun Stockholm SE Olympic Stadium
05 Jun Horsens DK CASA Arena Horsens
11 Jun Donington GB Donington Park
15 Jun Nice FR Parc des Sports Charles Ehrmann
18 Jun Paris FR Stade De France
20 Jun Dresden DE Ostrahege
22 Jun Berlin DE Olympic Stadium
26 Jun Seville, ES Olympic Stadium
28 June Bilbao, ES San Mames Stadium

Andrea aka The Vice President (Co-founder and member of AC/DC Italia's staff)

He's the co-founder of AC/DC Abruzzo. Born and raised in Abruzzo he still lives in our beloved region (in Città Sant'Angelo - The City of Angels of Abruzzo). He developed an international mindset and adaptability to the on-the-road lyfestyle by travelling all around the world with his wife Alessandra after the Hammersmith show. He is technically employed but thanks to his extraordinary negotiating skills he always manages to have the necessary flexibility required to follow AC/DC on tour.
He is the authoritative bootleg expert and collector of AC/DC Abruzzo. He saw his first AC/DC show in 1996 and managed to meet Angus for the first time backstage in Turin in 2001. He's the owner of the puppy dog Rosie, AC/DC Abruzzo's mascot. He's got an unrivaled encyclopedic knowledge of the best restaurants and local food specialties of the Abruzzo region. Since March 2009 he's been also a member of AC/DC Italia's staff.

BLACK ICE TOUR - 30 shows
26 Oct 2008 - Wilkes-Barre, PA - Wachovia Arena
28 Oct 2008 - Wilkes-Barre, PA - Wachovia Arena
30 Oct 2008 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena
01 Nov 2008 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena
03 Nov 2008 - Indianapolis, IN
12 Nov 2008 - New York, NY - Madison Square Garden
13 Nov 2008 - New York, NY - Madison Square Garden
07 Mar 2009 Dusseldorf DE ISS Dome
19 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
21 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
31 Mar 2009 Barcelona ES Sant Jordi
13 May 2009 Leipzig, Zentralstadium
15 May 2009 Munich, Olympic Stadium
7 Jun 2009 Barcelona, Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys
12 Jun 2009 Paris, Stade De France
26 Jun 2009 London, Wembley Stadium
28 Jun 2009 Dublin, Punchestown
30 Jun 2009 Glasgow,Hampden Park
02 Dec 2009 Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadium
04 Dec 2009 Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadium
06 Dec 2009 Buenos Aires, River Plate Stadium
Mar 12 2010 Saitama JP Saitama Super Arena
Mar 14 2010 Saitama JP Saitama Super Arena
Mar 16 2010 Osaka JP Kyocera Dome Osaka
14 May Sofia BG Vassil Levsky Stadium
19 May Udine IT Stadio Friuli
11 Jun Donington GB Donington Park
18 Jun Paris FR Stade De France
26 Jun Seville, ES Olympic Stadium
28 June Bilbao, ES San Mames Stadium


Lorenzo aka "Orangus" (Special Envoy - Ticket Master)

He is also known as the Phantom of the Opera and Belfagor. He's not an executive member of AC/DC Abruzzo Staff but he shares AC/DC Abruzzo's philosophy and founding principles. He first met Stefano and Matteo outside the Hammersmith theatre in 2003 and he managed to find a ticket for face value for the ticketless President just 2 hours before the beginning of the show.

He's a student and a self-employed professional and likes to follow AC/DC on tour with his car and bike (!!!). Beside AC/DC he's got a true passion for Opera. His office is located in the vicinity of the Teatro La Scala in Milan.

BLACK ICE TOUR - 41 shows
25 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
27 Feb 2009 Paris FR Bercy
01 Mar 2009 Antwerp BE Sportpaleis
05 Mar 2009 Leipzig DE Halle 1
07 Mar 2009 Dusseldorf DE ISS Dome
09 Mar 2009 Oberhausen DE KoPi Arena
11 Mar 2009 Bremen DE AWD Dome
13 Mar 2009 Rotterdam NL Ahoy
15 Mar Dortmund DE Westfallenhalle
19 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
21 Mar 2009 Milan IT Datch Forum
25 Mar 2009 Frankfurt DE Festhalle
27 Mar 2009 Munich DE Olympiahalle
6 Apr 2009 Zurich CH Hallenstadion
14 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
16 Apr 2009 London GB O2 Arena
13 May 2009 Leipzig, Zentralstadium
15 May 2009 Munich, Olympic Stadium
17 May 2009 Gelsenkirchen, Veltins Arena
19 May 2009 Cologne, Stadion
22 May 2009 Hockenheimring, Formula 1 Racing Track
5 Jun 2009 Madrid, Estadio Vicente Calderón
7 Jun 2009 Barcelona, Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys
9 Jun 2009 Marseille, Stade velodrome
12 Jun 2009 Paris, Stade De France
26 Jun 2009 London, Wembley Stadium
30 Jun 2009 Glasgow,Hampden Park
Jul 28, 2009 Foxborough ,MA, US Gillette Stadium
Jul 31, 2009 E. Rutherford, NJ US Giants Stadium
Aug 02, 2009 Albany NY, US ,Times Union Center
Mar 12 2010 Saitama JP Saitama Super Arena
Mar 14 2010 Saitama JP Saitama Super Arena
Mar 16 2010 Osaka JP Kyocera Dome Osaka
19 May Udine IT Stadio Friuli
22 May Wels AT Air Field (Flugplatz Wels)
08 Jun Bern CH Stade de Suisse
15 Jun Nice FR Parc des Sports Charles Ehrmann
18 Jun Paris FR Stade De France
20 Jun Dresden DE Ostrahege
22 Jun Berlin DE Olympic Stadium
28 June Bilbao, ES San Mames Stadium

The Kosp (Pick up Artist - Groupie Manager - SP Movie Producer)

He's the KOSP


The flag started the tour in Wilkes Barre and it's still travelling with us. It is taken to each concert and it is raised during The Jack and Let There Be Rock. It also appears in the official video of Anything Goes. It's a symbol of our commitment to our Rock'n'Roll mission and our loyalty to our homeland... It's also a peacocking item.

Sunday, January 3, 2010




Feb 11, 2010 Melbourne AU Etihad Stadium (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 13, 2010 Melbourne AU Etihad Stadium
(With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 15, 2010 Melbourne AU Etihad Stadium (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 18, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 20, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 22, 2010 Sydney AU ANZ Stadium (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 25, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Feb 27, 2010 Brisbane AU QSAC (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Mar 02, 2010 Adelaide AU Adelaide Oval (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Mar 06, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval (With AC/DC Abruzzo)
Mar 08, 2010 Perth AU Subiaco Oval (With AC/DC Abruzzo)


Friday, January 1, 2010


AC/DC Italia and AC/DC Abruzzo have recently learned about the sudden departure of one of the greatest AC/DC fans in the world. Alex had been a fan and a friend of the band since the 1970's. We had the honour to meet him and talk to him on several occasions both in North America and Europe during the Black Ice tour. His enthusiasm and passion for AC/DC were contagious. We send our condolences to his family and to all those who will miss Alex.

New York 2008 - Marco, Andrea, Nonno Alan, Brian, Arnaud and Alex




2009 was a glorious year for AC/DC Abruzzo but we trust that 2010 will be even better! Stay tuned for another crazy and exciting rock'n'roll year on the road with AC/DC Abruzzo!!!

As you can see the Devil's Horns are already in Australia...

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merry Christmas from the boys of AC/DC Abruzzo!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


AC/DC Abruzzo is still working on the preparation of the AUSTRALIAN tour. Not easy... But we definitely stick to our guns. Project Australia must HAPPEN.

We are also eagerly waiting for the confirmation of the remaining dates for the 2010 European tour. For the moment only Sofia May 14, 2010 was officially confirmed. We doubt the tour will end in Berlin. Maybe some club/intimate gigs like in 2003... We talked to Ross Young here in Sydney a few days ago. He confirmed the next one MIGHT be the last album...

We also received the report of the Argentinian adventures of a good friend of AC/DC Abruzzo: Monkey64... We got in touch with this crazy guy at the beginning of the European tour and we've been exchanging emails since then. Ironically, we were at many concerts during the European tour but never met in person... He definitely shares AC/DC Abruzzo's founding principles and got the rockstar lifestyle and attitude we also have...

Here's his story:

Argentinian Chronicles: Pogo for life...

When I attended my first rock festival in Argentina in 2003, I knew the sacred fire of rock'n'roll was pouring in the Argentines' blood. Since then, seeing Ac/Dc in Argentina (or Chile.. ) was in top position in my list of things to do before I die, the combination of the best crowd in the world with the best live band in the world. Yes, I'm talking about serious life goals here.

December 2nd.

No pitch ticket this time, bought an official seated ticket at the gates, but had I waited a bit longer I could have bought a pitch ticket as they started to sell those as well. Oh well. It's tough to be an ac/dc addict.

" First I thought, what a douchebag, who still wears aviator shades in 2009, then I was blown away by his flamboyant haircut and utter confidence with the girls. This guy is awesome. He must be an apprentice of the KOSP... Or maybe the Kosp himself...."

As expected, the crowd delivers, they're all jumping around like maniacs, in the field and on their seats. Planes are taking off and landing above the stadium, people are lighting freakin flares in the freaking crowd! It's just unreal.

"This is the car of the guy you saw earlier. The KOSPMOBILE"

December 4th

I head to the stadium early, and find Kiyossan (another crazy fan from Japan!!) waiting in line. Perfect, I ninja my way into the line. Waiting in the line with the other fans is the best. This is pogo time. According to Kiyossan who was in the field for day 1, it's gonna be tough, lots of pushing and crowd movement.

It isn't that bad, nobody is passing out like in Paris , but the crowd is wild because of the DVD recording. Even during The Jack there was a lot of pushing like you can tell from this vid. And watch that crazy/brave girl's reactions when she decides to occupy centre stage... AHAHAHAH


The most fascinating phenomenon I witnessed in these three days in Argentina is by far the POGO VORTEX... It is known in Europe too but here it reaches absolute perfection. It starts when three or more people use their strength to create an opening in the packed crowd. Then the pinball effect starts.... During the intro of Whole Lotta Rosie, they started to make small openings, then suddenly people around were like "Oh shit, pogo incoming, I don't want any part of this" then the circle would get bigger and bigger and sustain itself as more people would try to get away from it. Here's a video of this interesting phenomenon... (You can see fear in my eyes... and Lots of adrenaline...)

Look at this guy doing the patented Rolling On The Floor Like Angus ( ROTLFA ! ). The smile on their face is just representative of this whole trip to Argentina!

December 6th

Every muscle of my body hurts. Still one concert to go. My strategy is to relax, get to the stadium late while the people are getting tired of jumping between songs,and enjoy the first songs from a distance while the crowd is unleashing the fury, then use my ninja skills to navigate to the stage and enjoy the moshpitt.

The crowd is no where near as excited as during the second concert but still pretty wild. So here's the last vid from the second concert ! I salute you! Fire! Legendary experience... Soon on DVD!!