Saturday, March 6, 2010


According to our sources, the band and part of the crew went to the Stadium to do a soundcheck a couple of hours ago. This probably means a change in the setlist.


It's a Long Way to the Top 15-1
Ride On 25-1
If You Want Blood 35-1
Gone Shootin 35-1
Riff Raff 50-1
Rocker 80-1
Live Wire 80-1
Touch too Much 100-1
Other 20-1

Place your bet


Adelaide, Oval Stadium,
March 2, 2010

Rock'n'Roll Train
Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
Back in Black
Big Jack
Dirty Deeds
Shot Down In Flames
Black Ice
The Jack (incl Angus strip)
Hells Bells
Shoot to Thrill
War Machine
High Voltage
You Shook Me All Night Long
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock
Highway to Hell
For Those About To Rock



After Brisbane and the Gold Coast and the rainy weather we arrived in Adelaide on a Monday night and surprisingly it was as cold as a winter day in Europe! We still can't figure out the weather in Australia... Anyway, it took us 2 hours to find a place where we could eat something at night...

The concert took place in one of the smallest venues of the entire open air tour: the Adelaide Oval, a cricket stadium. Very close to the city centre, it had a nice semicircular shape for the concert setup which created a very intimate atmosphere if compared to Sydney or Melbourne. But for some unknown reasons at 7.30 there were still thousands of people in line outside, calmly queueing in the typical anglosaxon way (like a serpentine) to enter one of the two gates available (???). We don't know if they managed to get in time (concert started earlier 8.30pm). Anyway only a few people were complaining... In Europe there would have probably been riots....

Green uniform for Angus. Short catwalk. Sleeply crowd again. Some interesting characters coming directly from the Australian outback. There was a beautiful (almost) full moon tonight which was immediately pointed out by Brian who started howling!!
We loved it! Same amazing performance by the band. No need for further comments. Malcolm didn't use the WhiteFalcon again (apparently in Brisbane it was a problem with the beltpack and not a broken string).

That's all from Adelaid-Hell. See you in Perth!

More photos from the show here.


In Brisbane and Adelaide a few sets ("set" is a technical term for group of women) were opened (approached) by KK's instructors under the supervision of the Master Pick Up Artist himself who provided constant counselling while in the field. A few routines by K.K. to be used in the interactions with girls were also fieldtested succesfully. Training of student Brett will continue in Perth and in Sydney.

KK's instructor with local OZ girls

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Happy Birthday to AC/DC and to AC/DC Abruzzo's Secretary General Stefano! Another birthday on Tour with AC/DC!! ROCK ON!


Some of our exclusive photos from the Adelaide concert. Beautiful moon tonight! HOWL!!!

Let There be Rock under the moon


Monday, March 1, 2010

Brisbane 2nd night

Brisbane, QSAC Stadium,
February 27, 2010

Rock'n'Roll Train
Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
Back in Black
Big Jack
Dirty Deeds
Shot Down In Flames
Black Ice
The Jack (incl Angus strip)
Hells Bells
Shoot to Thrill
War Machine
High Voltage
You Shook Me All Night Long
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock
Highway to Hell
For Those About To Rock



8 AC/DC shows in a row! Tonight we broke our record! 57 shows under our belt for AC/DC Abruzzo during the Black Ice tour.

We knew it would rain tonight (Australian weather is so difficult to understand for Italians). Anyway, it was very cloudy during the day and very hot as well. Tonight we had seats on Malcolm's side so we got a different perspective. We had a good view of the whole stadium. The crowd looked again quite sleepy, at least according to our standards. Standing still in the 3 Arena sections and always seated on the seats. Tonight it seemed they also had problems with lyrics (the ANGUS chanting during Whole Lotta Rosie wasn't audible at all!). No offense intended, but the crowd behaves more like a U2 crowd than an AC/DC crowd...

But after Rosie something changed. It started raining. The rain got heavier and heavier and the crowd started getting more excited, especially during Angus' solo on the catwalk. The solo reached its pinnacle when Angus was lifted over the crowd on his "rock'n'roll tower" in the middle of the audience completely soaking wet (watch our video). That was really EPIC! Even Brian seemed to enjoy the weather and spent a lot of time on the catwalk! Just like in Munich last June!

Malcolm used the legendary White Falcon during High Voltage (probably he broke a string before). Last time we saw him using it was in Germany last year and Scotland, I think. We love that guitar, especially on Malcolm's hands... It
actually looks bigger than him! But he plays it with such intensity and vigor that it looks like a wild animal tamed by a powerful master.

During Highway to Hell a crazy fan managed to jump on the catwalk and started running towards Brian. A security guy followed him running in a cumbersome way with a transparent raincoat. Brian kept singing while freezing in an oblique position in the middle of the catwalk in order to dodge both runners. The guy got caught near Cliff and thrown down. That was pretty funny!

See you in Adelaide!


For the record exactly one year ago we were at the Paris Bercy in France for one of the best gigs of the entire Black Ice tour. Excellent performance of the band (they also shot the video for Anything goes) and amazing crowd! Memorable night for rock'n'roll!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Yesterday it was one of the best Let There Be Rock of the tour. Angus' solo under the rain was just EPIC! And we got to see Malcolm's White Falcon back in action during High Voltage too!

Here's some exclusive pictures from the second Brisbane show. Official AC/DC Abruzzo report soon.

"A boy with the devil in his finger and the blues in his soul"

Malcolm with the legendary Gretsch White Falcon during High Voltage

Brian pointing at the sky during High Voltage

Angus' epic solo during Let There Be Rock under heavy rain


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Brisbane 1st night

Flat crowd - Flat horns

Brisbane, QSAC Stadium,
February 25, 2010

Rock'n'Roll Train
Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
Back in Black
Big Jack
Dirty Deeds
Shot Down In Flames
Black Ice
The Jack (incl Angus strip)
Hells Bells
Shoot to Thrill
War Machine
High Voltage
You Shook Me All Night Long
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock
Highway to Hell
For Those About To Rock


The QSAC stadium is probably one of the worst venues of the tour. Really far from the city centre, it took us about an hour and a half to get there (train+bus). The stadium looks like the Marseille Velodrome but much smaller. From what they told us it is used mainly for athletics and concerts. The different sections were well separated (seats and floor) but maybe too far from each others so the atmosphere during the show was not as good as in other stadiums. We learned from the press that after the recent fuckups at previous concerts (U2 and Pearl Jam) beside problems with traffic and public transportation people were also worried about the sound quality. Thank God that didn't present a problem. As for the crowd, it was one of the flattest crowds of the tour. Loud enough but immobile. No flashing at all during The Jack or YSMANL. We couldn't believe our eyes after the Sydney nights. Not even one bra...

Anyway, great performance of the band as usual. A lot of talking of Brian also praising the crowd. But he also said "We're gonna play something special tonight" before Dirty Deeds.... Some light rain during Thunderstruck (which was appropriate for the song). Some minor changes during Angus' solos at the beginning of Highway to Hell and in LTBR. Pretty nice.

A website mentioned It's a Long Way To the Top played as second encore but it was clearly a hoax and the article was changed after a few minutes. Despite that some fans wrote us asking if that was true. Obviously it wasn't.

"No guys. We won't change the setlist!"

Friday, February 26, 2010

AC/DC Abruzzo in Sydney

The Sydney adventure is over for AC/DC Abruzzo. We had a wonderful time there and we will probably open a permanent office in Sydney after the last Perth show. We love Sydney!

Sydney harbour

As most of you know, 2 months ago part of the AC/DC Abruzzo staff relocated to Sydney. There were several reasons behind this decision. Obviously we were eager to see and live in the same places where Angus, Malcolm, Bon etc had started the band back in the 1970's and to experience the lifestyle and cultural environment that gave birth to our favorite band. But it was also a good excuse to skip the cold European winter! It was an amazing and enriching experience. Even AC/DC's lyrics, especially those of the Bon Scott era, have now a different meaning to us...

Sydney is a very expensive city and you have to work a lot if you want to survive. But unlike most big world capitals we've been to it is possible to relax on nice sandy beaches, doing sports, taking beautiful promenades in huge green parks. The urban landscape is very nice and the quality of life is very high.

Bondi beach, our favourite Sydney beach

FOOD DEBAUCHERY: Obviously, as Italians, we had huge problems with the local food, although there is a big Italian community in Sydney (especially for the lack of real fresh mozzarella and gelato, which is essential when it's too hot). In Australia they mix up everything: they even put cream and mushrooms in Spaghetti alla Carbonara and pineapple or meatballs on pizza (blasphemy in Italy!). We tried Kangaroo fillet a couple of times and even Kangaroo Pizza and Kangaroo prosciutto. They have so many kangaroos here they don't know what to do with them... In the Italian quarter (Leichardt, also suggested to us by Fifa Riccabono) you still can find some good products imported from Italy but honestly, as most of the Little Italys around the world, the Sydney Italian quarter looks as fake as the pyramids in Las Vegas....


Kangaroo Prosciutto

We met lots of interesting people. And we experienced the true meaning of the world "laid-back", which is often associated to the OZ people, even applied to rock'n'roll. We met some hardcore fans who have been waiting for this tour for years, just like us.

John-Hard core OZ fan

Beer is truly the national drink here and the "British Pub Culture" is very strong... So we found ourselvels on several occasions in pubs playing pool and drinking schooners of beer and talking to girls near jux boxes...

Local cover band

Speaking of girls the situation here is almost emberassing if compared to Italy... According to some sources, the men to women ratio is like 1:4. WOMEN TO THE LEFT and WOMEN TO THE RIGHT... Litterally! Not to mention the backpackers! And they have really a laid back attitude as we had the opportunity to witness, also during AC/DC concerts...

The Jack in Sydney