Thursday, April 21, 2016


Is this the end of AC/DC?

Almost 4 days have passed since this surreal announcement: Axl Rose will be touring with AC/DC for the remaining 22 shows of the Rock or Bust tour.

For us, as fans, it was like a punch in the stomach, a real powerful punch. And it took us 4 days to start "breathing" well again, calm down and reflect on this situation rationally. We didn't want our judgment to be clouded by the anger and hate that we have felt deep inside so we had to wait.

Honestly, we never believed the Axl-AC/DC rumors in the last 5 weeks. Not even after the TMZ picture appeared online. It was too much. It was against the history and the values of AC/DC. It was against common sense. It was just impossible. But we were proven wrong. Life can be unpredictable. Or maybe we were too naive.

TMZ  photos

For many fans like us Angus' choice is just too difficult to understand. Axl represents a different music culture, different style, different work ethics, different career. Beside that, there are too many infamous "psycho acts", on stage and offstage in Mr. Rose's CV which prevent us from agreeing with this choice.

Most hard core AC/DC fans are prejudiced against Axl Rose. And we have the right to be for what he has done in the past. Axl Rose is the guy who destroyed Guns'n'Roses, picked up fights with fans and photographers, arrived late for shows, cancelled concerts with no reasons, published only one album in 20 year of "activity". How could he deserve to become the lead singer of the greatest rock band in the world??

AC/DC fans have all the rights to be prejudiced against Axl and question Angus' choice, including his decision to join Guns'n'Roses on stage in Coachella just after the official announcement to play Riff Raff and Rosie. Many hard core fans already sold their tickets. Some of them are so upset and disappointed they consider AC/DC as officially "dead". AC/DC Italia, which has been online for 13 years, officially stopped its activity on the same day the announcement was made.We don't blame them and we respect their choice.

"What would Malcolm and Bon think of Axl?" - Question asked by all fans

What about us in AC/DC Abruzzo? Our history as AC/DC fans does not go back to the 70's or to the early '80s like many hard core fans. However, who followed us in the last 8 years on this blog know that our relationship with AC/DC has been pretty intense. During the Black Ice tour we lived the "rock'n'roll" AC/DC lifestyle following the band almost everywhere. We saw over 100 shows combined, traveled the world, spent time with hard core fans, with the band, with their families etc. We managed this tour blog and published two photobooks .

Despite our prejudices against Axl and against Sony/Angus' decision, it is basically impossible for us to deny our love and loyalty for AC/DC now, especially in this difficult time.  It would not be fair, for what AC/DC has represented for us and for how it changed and enriched our lives. We must give Angus the benefit of the doubt.

And at the moment Angus is AC/DC. And we will support Angus in this decision, although we don't understand it and we don't agree with it... We will do it because of his 40+ year history of successes that AC/DC has had, including when they had to overcome major challenges. Besides, from the way we know Angus, and we must trust him, even beyond rationality. It would not be fair and honest to him.

It will be a leap of faith. And we are willing to take it.

Of course, it is clear that we all miss important pieces of information in this story. About Sony's role, the dollars involved, about the fines to pay in case of cancellation, about what Malcolm really told Angus when discussing the future of the band before being hospitalized, about Axl Rose himself (who maybe want to use this opportunity to redeem himself as a rocker). About "Brian's situation" (who has proven to be a real gentleman with fans and Angus/Cliff with his official statement, and about whom we will make a separate post).

We are sure the legal agreement between Axl and AC/DC must be made up of hundreds of pages, as the risks involved in such a partnership are huge. Even if Axl behaves professionally, he will likely receive insults from angry AC/DC fans onstage and offstage. The way he will respond to such hostile behaviour and the way he will behave will also determine whether Angus was right or wrong.

This is a bet. A risky bet for Angus and AC/DC, and like all bets you can win or lose. Everybody knows Angus is taking a big chance. If he fails, AC/DC's reputation and legacy will be affected irreversibly. If he succeeds then it was another challenge faced successfully for him and for AC/DC. If he makes Axl Rose accepted by AC/DC fans, then "the almighty Angus" would make the impossible possible.

How? Maybe... Taming Axl Rose's personality and getting the best of his voice, changing setlists every night with lots of old gems (Money Talks, If You Want Blood, Riff Raff etc), giving 110% on stage every single concert...

What else? We don't know. We are not Angus Young, we are just fans....

But we will stand next to Angus in Lisbon. Time will tell the rest.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Thank you Brian!

While most of the fans are still in shock for AC/DC's decision to hire Axl Rose for the rest of the tour (including our friends of AC/DC Italia who decide to stop their website as a form of protest against this controversial decision) and for Angus' appearance at Coachella Festival on stage with Guns'n'Roses, Brian Johnson has just issued an official statement (Source: Ultimate Classic Rock website).

Here's the full text:

As many AC/DC fans know, the remaining shows for the 2016 AC/DC Rock or Bust World Tour, including 10 postponed U.S. shows, are being rescheduled with a guest singer.  I want personally to explain the reason because I don’t believe the earlier press releases sufficiently set out what I wanted to say to our fans or the way in which I thought it should be presented.

On March 7th, after a series of examinations by leading physicians in the field of hearing loss, I was advised that if I continue to perform at large venues, I risked total deafness.  While I was horrified at the reality of the news that day, I had for a time become aware that my partial hearing loss was beginning to interfere with my performance on stage.  I was having difficulty hearing the guitars on stage and because I was not able to hear the other musicians clearly, I feared the quality of my performance could be compromised.  In all honesty this was something I could not in good conscience allow.  Our fans deserve my performance to be at the highest level, and if for any reason I can’t deliver that level of performance I will not disappoint our fans or embarrass the other members of AC/DC.  I am not a quitter and I like to finish what I start, nevertheless, the doctors made it clear to me and my bandmates that I had no choice but to stop performing on stage for the remaining shows and possibly beyond.  That was the darkest day of my professional life.

Since that day, I have had several consultations with my doctors and it appears that, for the near future, I will be unable to perform on stage at arena and stadium size venues where the sound levels are beyond my current tolerance, without the risk of substantial hearing loss and possibly total deafness.  Until that time, I tried as best as I could to continue despite the pain and hearing loss but it all became too much to bear and too much to risk.

I am personally crushed by this development more than anyone could ever imagine.  The emotional experience I feel now is worse than anything I have ever in my life felt before.  Being part of AC/DC, making records and performing for the millions of devoted fans this past 36 years has been my life’s work.  I cannot imagine going forward without being part of that, but for now I have no choice.  The one thing for certain is that I will always be with AC/DC at every show in spirit, if not in person.

Most importantly, I feel terrible having to disappoint the fans who bought tickets for the canceled shows and who have steadfastly supported me and AC/DC these many years.  Words cannot express my deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks not just for the recent outpouring to me personally of kind words and good wishes, but also for the years of loyal support of AC/DC.  My thanks also go to Angus and Cliff for their support.

Finally, I wish to assure our fans that I am not retiring.  My doctors have told me that I can continue to record in studios and I intend to do that.  For the moment, my entire focus is to continue medical treatment to improve my hearing.  I am hoping that in time my hearing will improve and allow me to return to live concert performances.  While the outcome is uncertain, my attitude is optimistic.  Only time will tell.

Once again, my sincere best wishes and thanks to everyone for their support and understanding.



Come molti fan degli AC / DC sanno già, i concerti rimanenti del 2016 del tour Rock or Bust, compresi i 10 concerti statunitensi rinviati, verranno riprogrammati con la presenza di un cantante ospite. Voglio personalmente spiegare le motivazioni di tutto ciò, perché non credo che i comunicati stampa precedenti chiariscano bene quello che avevo intenzione di dire ai nostri fan o cosa pensavo di come è stata presentata questa notizia.

Il 7 marzo, dopo una serie di esami medici eseguiti da importanti luminari esperti in perdita dell’udito, mi è stato detto che se continuo a cantare in grandi spazi, rischio la sordità totale. Sebbene inorridito da tale notizia quel giorno, avevo già capito che la mia sordità parziale cominciava a interferire con la mia performance sul palco. Avevo difficoltà a sentire le chitarre e siccome non ero in grado di ascoltare gli altri strumenti in modo chiaro, temevo che la qualità della mia performance potesse essere compromessa. In tutta onestà, questo non potevo permetterlo. I nostri fan meritano performance al più alto livello, e se per qualsiasi motivo non riesco a fornire quel livello di eccellenza non voglio assolutamente deludere i fan o mettere in imbarazzo gli altri membri degli AC / DC. Io non sono uno che molla e mi piace finire quello che ho iniziato, tuttavia, i medici hanno fatto capire chiaramente a me e ai miei compagni che l’unica scelta possibile era di smettere di esibirmi dal vivo per i rimanenti concerti e forse anche oltre. Quello è stato il giorno più buio della mia vita professionale.

Da quel giorno, ho avuto una serie di consultazioni con i miei medici e sembra che, per il prossimo futuro, non potrò cantare in stadi e in luoghi dove i livelli sonori sono oltre la mia soglia di tolleranza attuale, senza il rischio di perdita dell’udito e possibile sordità totale. Fino a quel momento, avevo fatto del mio meglio per continuare, nonostante il dolore e la perdita di udito, ma tutto è diventato troppo difficile da sopportare e troppo rischioso.

Mi sento distrutto a causa di questa situazione, più di quanto si possa immaginare. Quello che provo ora è peggio di qualsiasi altra cosa spiacevole io abbia mai provato in vita mia. Fare parte degli AC / DC, incidere dischi e esibirsi per milioni di fan devoti negli ultimi 36 anni è stato il lavoro della mia vita. Non riesco a immaginare di andare avanti senza essere parte di tutto ciò, ma per ora non ho scelta. L'unica cosa certa è che io sarò sempre con gli AC / DC ad ogni show nello spirito, se non posso esserlo di persona.

Inoltre sto davvero male per aver dato questa delusione ai fan che hanno acquistato i biglietti per gli show annullati e che mi hanno fermamente sostenuto tutti questi anni. Non ci sono parole per esprimere la mia gratitudine, dal profondo del mio cuore, non solo per le gentili parole e gli auguri rivoltimi direttamente, ma anche per tutti gli anni di fedeltà agli AC / DC. I miei ringraziamenti vanno anche a Angus e Cliff per il loro sostegno.

Infine, voglio assicurare ai fan che non mi ritirerò ora. I miei medici mi hanno detto che posso continuare a registrare in studio e ho intenzione di farlo. Per il momento, il mio obiettivo è quello di continuare il trattamento medico per migliorare il mio udito e spero che nel tempo migliorerà e mi permetterà di tornare a esibirmi dal vivo. Anche se l’esito è incerto rimango ottimista. Sarà il tempo a parlare.

Ancora una volta, i miei più affettuosi saluti e grazie a tutti per il sostegno e la comprensione.

Con affetto

Sunday, April 17, 2016

AC/DC confirms AXL ROSE as new lead singer

This unbelievable rumour has been just confirmed on the bands official website Axl Rose will front AC/DC in Europe and the remaining US shows. This is the end of AC/DC as we knew it and maybe a new beginning for the band/Angus Young.

For most hardcore AC/DC fans like us this particular choice is difficult to understand as Axl doesn't have much in common with AC/DC, with its history, with what the band has stood for throughout the years, its music style, rock'n'roll values etc. It could be interpreted only as a commercial move, with some (calculated) risks implied. Or maybe there is something we are missing here.

See you in Lisbon.

Thank you Brian! You will surely be missed.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Here's the rumoured concert dates for the AC/DC 2016 North American Tour!

Shows will probably be confirmed in the next few hours.

02/02 – Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, WA
05/02 – MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, NV

08/02 – Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
11/02 – Fargo Dome, Fargo, ND
14/02 – Xcel Energy Center, Paul, MN
17/02 – United Center, Chicago, IL
20/02 – Scottrade Center, St Louis, MO
23/02 – American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX
26/02 – Toyota Center, Houston, TX
29/02 – Sprint Center, Kansas City, MO
08/03 – Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA
11/03 – BB&T Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
14/03 – Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, NC
17/03 – Verizon Center, Washington, DC
20/03 – The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI
23/03 – Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH
26/03 – Quincken Loans Center, Cleveland, OH
29/03 – First Niagara Center, Buffalo, NY
01/04 – Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA
04/04 – Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Up to my neck in AC/DC - Spurky and Abruzzo

We are finally back!! Sorry to our readers for the black out!!

Matteo Abruzzo has been out of the game for a while due to the consequences of a pretty bad neck injury after the Canadian tour (but now things are going well). Stefano was stopped in London dealing with some Gordon Ramsey wine issues and Orangus was too busy traveling from a city to another in North America (he is not able to update a blog anyway!). Hence, the absence of posts for more than a month. We will publish his travel diary while waiting for Australia!

And speaking of Orangus:

CONGRATULATIONS TO HIM FOR HIS 100th AC/DC CONCERT! And Los Angeles 28 September 2015 was his 42nd consecutive AC/DC gigs!

Orangus - Now a member of the Elite club of +100 AC/DC show fans! (c) photo

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stade Olympique, Montreal, Canada 31 August 2015 - ON THE ROAD REPORT

Stoic Brian 

1. Rock or Bust
2. Shoot to Thrill
3. Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
4. Back in Black
5. Play Ball
6. Dirty Deeds
7. Thunderstruck
8. High Voltage
9. Rock 'n' Roll Train
10. Hells Bells
11. Baptism By Fire
12. Shook Me
13. Sin City
14. Have a Drink on Me
15. Shot Down in Flames
16. TNT
17. Rosie
18. Let There Be rock
19. Highway to Hell
20. For Those About to Rock

Montreal Stade Olympique was probably one of the worst venues of the entire tour. An indoor stadium with terrible acoustics. (Some of our Canadian friends actually said it was much better than in the past... )Again, the show was all reserved seating, another contradiction in terms for a rock'n'roll show, especially when you think that there are 60-70 year old rockers on stage jumping like crazy on stage while the crowd is standing religiously in their spot with security nagging at you constantly. The crowd was pretty loud though.

The performance was again excellent. Angus (back in his blue suit) was maybe a bit tired in the first half. Brian was very professional and accurate. Apparently, he had some technical problems (as usual).

We are getting late for the Ottawa show so for the moment enjoy our exclusive AC/DC photos. Life on the road in North America has been quite challenging :)

Canada - Abruzzo - Switzerland 

Thoughtful Orangus (90 AC/DC shows under his belt)

Canada - Abruzzo - Switzerland Part 2

Monday, August 31, 2015

Plains of Abraham, Quebec City, Canada 28 August 2015

Angus in trance

1. Rock or Bust
2. Shoot to Thrill
3. Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
4. Back in Black
5. Play Ball
6. Dirty Deeds
7. Thunderstruck
8. High Voltage
9. Rock 'n' Roll Train
10. Hells Bells
11. Baptism By Fire
12. Shook Me
13. Sin City
14. Have a Drink on Me
15. Shot Down in Flames
16. TNT
17. Rosie
18. Let There Be rock
19. Highway to Hell
20. For Those About to Rock

First Canadian show and back to the GA, European style with another great audience and another great performance of AC/DC.

Plains of Abraham is a huge historic park in the middle of Quebec City, the French speaking capital of Quebec. Great venue for an open air concert (apparently its capacity can go up to 300,000 people like for the free McCartney concert a couple of years ago). The front of stage section was the biggest one of the whole tour (15,000 people out of 65,000). The Quebecois crowd was pretty cool and disciplined (it was the first time that we saw beer sold in aluminum cans at an ACDC concert). Nice shiny moon in the sky.

Angus was wearing the brown suit with green tie and green hat. He was pretty playful during the show, especially when he decided to wear the AC/DC's devils horns which were thrown on stage by fans. However, he never loses his concentration and it's difficult to spot any mistake in his performance. He is also very passionate and intense. We just love when he sings lines of songs while duckwalking (especially the Sin City line "Bring on the dancin' girls and put the Champagne on ice"). High Voltage, which was slightly changed by Brian, together with Sin City and Have a Drink of Me are still our favorite songs in the setlist.

Brian is actually getting better show by show. He was also quite playful, very energetic, he mentioned Malcolm again and also replaced the words "Sin City" with "Quebec City".

The intro to Highway to Hell was much longer than usual as the elevator didn't work and Angus could not come out from hell as usual. :)

For the record, "Uncensored" hard core fan Carole from Canada got on the big screens during You Shook Me All Night Long just like she used to do during The Jack in the Black Ice Tour. The audience loved it!

Next stop MONTREAL!

Playful Angus

Happy Angus

Spinning Angus 1

Running Angus

Spinning Angus 2

Friday, August 28, 2015

Live at Metlife Stadium East Rutherford 26 Aug 2015 - FULL REPORT

Back in New Jersey!

During this tour Ac/Dc sold out the biggest stadiums and concert venues in the world and the majestic Metlife Stadium, one of the biggest stadiums in North America, was no exception. For some unknown reason the promoter decided to have a GA front of stage section which was quite unusual for the US. Obviously the American audience didn't know how to make the best use of a GA section at an Ac/Dc concert and everybody stood pretty still and quite. At least it was possible to move around and always be pretty close to the stage or change position, unlike Foxboro where it seemed to be at a theatre with everybody having a reserved seat.

Sound was not as good as in Foxboro but still it was much better than many venues in Europe.  The band was in great shape after 4 days of rest. Play Ball was again played faster than usual and now it really sounds great. Angus was unstoppable, as usual. Brian's performance was also excellent although we could see he was a bit fatigued, looking at the teleprompter also during old songs. We think we should all be extremely grateful for his efforts as it shouldn't be east to jump like crazy every night at his age. We are not sure the tour is going to continue in 2016 but we are very happy for all we got so far.

Angus, again in a red suit, two nights in a row, changed his guitar before High Voltage. We got the impression his second guitar sound was even louder... Pure bliss for our ears! Chris Slade sounds much better than before and many of his Donington 91 moves and faces have come back. Stevie also looks and sounds very precise and accurate, a great tribute to his uncle Malcolm whose name was mentioned again during High Voltage (check out our video here).

After the show, again, we were impressed by the efficiency of the traffic management. After only 30 minutes we were back on the highway to NYC. Another thing that struck us, beside the unbelievably high security levels which included metal detectors, "no backpack policy" and police in uniforms handcuffing people during the shows (which we had never seen before) was the improvised barbecues that American organized in the parking lots before the show with grilled meat and beers... When in Rome.... :O

Today first Canadian show in Quebec City! A bientot!

Unstoppable Angus

There were 15 million fingers 

The stiff upper lip

"I'm doing it for my uncle" - Stevie told us

Brian's new magical beverage

For Those About to Eat

Metlife Stadium

Porterhouse Steak

Abruzzo Friends