Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photos from MELBOURNE

Some exclusive photos from the last show in Melbourne. Soon the official report and more exclusive material from AC/DC Abruzzo and AC/DC Italia....

For more exclusive material on the 2010 Australian Tour CLICK HERE


  1. so awesome shame its over :(

  2. Awesome pictures, i have always dreamed of seeing AC/DC live but here's the thing.. I live in Estonia and they won't come here. Instead they are going to Oslo again... AC/DC please come to Estonia, i want my dream to become a reality. You guys kick ass. I like you alot and it would mean everything to me if you would come...You Guys ROCK !!!

  3. Sorry mate.. I've got tickets for the oslo show, and its gonna be awesome!!!
    Come to Norway and see them!
    Would be the best night of your life!

  4. AC/DC!!! come back to england to do your own show not a festival then i can afford to see you and die happy!!!!

  5. i show só no brasil
    ahhhhhhhhhh quero mais,vocês são demais

  6. saw you guys walking around the venue in melbourne with your flag, will say g'day to you guys if i see you in sydney, nice work!!

  7. Joosep,

    There's a ferry between Estonia and Sweden daily! So why not come to Stockholm?

  8. ACDC are the best band ever have followed them for the last 32 years,seeing them a total of 18 times,8 of which have been on the black ice tour,4 in england,1 in scotland,france,spain and hungary,already have a ticket for bulgaria and will get 1 more for england download festival as soon as they release day tickets,for those about to rock i envy you

  9. The Family and I went to the final concert in melbourne australia on monday (15/2/10)to which I also introduced my 18yr nephew to his first concert,what a way to be introduced.It was SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!we grew up listening to you now my children have too.
    You guys have not missed a beat in all the years you have rocked this earth.Thankyou AC/DC...
    what legends you are...
    from charlie girl and family xoxo

  10. We went to their 1st show in Sydney last night and were totally blown away by there performance. You guys are awesome and we want to go again and again!! Thanks guys for a fantastic show.
    Jenny and John

  11. hi abruzzo.. this is ben scott; great photos you have here!!!

    im going to tomoro nights sydney show... cant wait!!!

  12. Well i went to the Sydney show last night and was blown away by the perfomance....all i can say is wow,the best concert i have ever gone to and so glad i have filled a life long dream of watching AC/DC performe live.

    Awsome job AC/DC thanks for a great night.

  13. AC/DC , see u guy's at ac/dc stadium"apparantly they call it etihad..lol" 13th feb 2010 3rd time iv'e seen em live just gets betta and betta .... 1 more tour would be friggin awesome "round it all out in oz boy's".... ps , 19th feb"WE LOVE AND MISS YOU BONN!!!!" from josh schutz

  14. Seen the Mighty AC/DC at Sydney last night and to say the concert was excellent is an understatement by a counry mile. Those pictures of Bon during High Voltage was brilliant and a great way of remembering on the eve of his 30th anniversary! Your music has lived with me from the early days of my 41 years and I feel so blessed that I was born in the same era as AC/DC. Thank god.... if he's out there! From Mad Bulldog

  15. Have a drink on Bon tonight! RIP

  16. Please come back to Australia before you retire PLEASE!
